A girl's heart is a stone
Hard and broken
It's clearly shown

Dull and plain
Hiding some sort of pain
Fighting the fight
No light in sight
Holding on
With quite the fright

Been through a lot
Left to suffer and rot
Hardened with haste
And was called a disgrace

A pebble against a crowd of rocks
Like a mouse against hawks   
It's hard enough to beat the odds
Let alone to spread a cause

Hidden in a dark cave
Came out to be brave
Afraid the stone-hardened heart was
Finally showed her claws

Tough enough to proudly show the bruises
Making no excuses
Cut into the layers
No need for any prayers

No one by her side
But she was her own guide
Not to mention the pride
Along with her stride

Coughing up the leftover dust
Her heart is robust
When all said and done
The war is over
She finally won

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