Father son time

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Today Quan was having a father son day so I got the Dj ready and Quan went to go get his sons Royal and Devin I was upstairs getting Dj ready when I heard someone

....:hey brandi

Me:(turn to look) hey Royal

Royal: what's good(he said giving me a hug)

Me:(hugs back) nun how have u been

royal: good what's up lil bro


Me:where's ur dad

Royal: downstairs

I  finished putting on Dj's clothes and we walked downstairs

Quan: hey kid (he said picking up Dj)


Juan: hey babe

Me: hey hi Devin

Devin: BRANDI( he said running up to me)

Me: so what do u guys have planned for today?

Guys:don't know

Me: ok well whatever u guys do have fun and be safe

Juan: we will what u gonna do today

Me: me and Cam r doing to the mall then Diamonds house

Quan: ok like u told me have fun and be safe

Me:(laughs) I will

I grabbed my phone purse and keys Cam was ready to go

Me:come on Cam later guys

Me and Cam walked outside and got in the car and was on our way to the mall

At the mall

me and Cam got out I locked the door grabbed her hand and walked in we went to foot locker, kids foot locker, Gap, and other stores we went to the food court ordered our food sat down ate after eating we walked to the car put the bags in got in and head to Diamond's I don't feel good so ima take a nap when I get there

At Diamond's house

Me and Cam got out the car I locked the door and walked to the house door I knocked and waited for Diamond seconds later Diamond came to the door

Diamond: hey girls

Cam: hey auntie

Me: hey girl

before we walked in the house i throw up in the bushes

Diamond: r u ok

Me: yea I'm fine it might've been the food i ate

Diamond: ok come in and lay down

We walked in I sat on the couch and Diamond handed me a water bottle

Diamond: r u sure u ok

Me: yea I'm fine (I said taking my shoes off and laying down)

Diamond: ok well let's do our girls movie night

Me: ok

We watched a movie and I started getting sleepy so I took a nap

After my nap '

I woke up and Diamond was waking up too

Me: u fell asleep too

Diamond: yea, how u feel

Me: I'm good now

Diamond: ok

I was time for us to leave so I put my shoes back on me and Diamond hugged then me and Cam got in the car and went back home

Pregnant by my bully Rich Homie QuanWhere stories live. Discover now