Chapter 3: A Sage's Visit & Secrets

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I wake up to the soft silk of the bed sheets cuddling my body. What time is it?
Sitting up slowly, I yawn and rub my eyes-- My legs truly felt exhausted, maybe we should bring some lycans back to use them as leg day training...

Now I am just sitting here, on my bed, staring at where-- I mean, I cannot be the only one who just wakes up and stares into their room, right?


As I try to actually wake up-- blinking once or twice, then repeat (basically just blink a lot)-- my mind starts wondering off to yesterday.


So- I arrived to the village, got chased by a lycan-- who scratched my leg. Yes, I am still salty about that-- then got to castle Dimitrescu, where I was warmly greeted by the sisters and their sibling fight. I also saw Alcina again-- which was really nice, after someone scratched my leg...
Then- oh..well, bird lady arrived and ruined all the fun. Next, I got here where I was supposed to arrive anyways and the rain at night was heavy, to say the least--!


Right, the rain.

I almost forgot about Miranda visiting again-- How did I even?- Never mind.

Point is, I got visited by Miranda and her bird brain self-- We had a small passive-aggressive chit-chat and after that...

Wait-- what happened after?-

It downed on me. I don't remember what happened-- had I fallen asleep? I mean-- it must be, right? Otherwise I wouldn't be here in the place-

That one thought-- that made my palms sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy-- okay but seriously, I had gone ice cold from the realization something might be wrong.

With my brain going batshit crazy, I quite literally tumble out of the bed and into the bathroom, checking for any weird or small needle marks.


This-- second realization-- makes me sigh in relief-- well, at least for now, though, I do not want to go looking for Miranda to ask for explanations-- she might just lie to me again.

I get up and go back to the bedroom and dive into the wardrobe-- although there was just a dress and an extra-nightgown.

Now, now, the dress really caught my eyes.

And after almost ripping it apart by wearing it the wrong way because of my excitement to try it on, I check my looks and small details back in the bathroom. I guess I am ready to start the day now.

I get out of the room step down the stairs, almost getting a heart attack when I realize the familiar scent across the lounge. There was a figure- dressed from head to toe in wine-colored clothing-- sipping some tea.

"María?" Its head perks up to my barely audible voice.

Now I seriously felt like my knees were on the verge of just- breaking down.


She stands up and I throw myself onto her arms, making her laugh happily.

Great, now my hair is all frizzed up. Why does she like cotton sweaters so much-- they are not even comfortable, is she not-- itchy?

We pull away from-- what seemed like-- the endless hug. I had honestly not expected this visit from her at all. I mean, I have, but not this soon, you understand me-- it was unexpected.

"My dear Y/N, it is a pleasure to see you again after such a long time." Her caring tone makes me feel so safe, so much like home, "Olivia told me that you and the others have been keeping this place in order. I wanted to thank you for that." She lets out a bubbly laugh, waving her jeweled hand, "No thanks needed, we are just doing our job."

We both go sit down, and after a few stories, along with us being-- frequently annoying-- and teasing the other sages, María starts getting serious, which unsettles me-- a bit.

"Well, that was certainly fun. Who thought dearest Narcissus would be able to faceplant himself into the water?" We both laugh at his silly tactics-- that memory was certainly fun.

This was going too well.

"But alas, what I came here to ask you. Can I?"

There we go, of course she enquirers something from me.

I am nervous now, not going to lie, but I don't seem to have a way out of this-- I mean, I cannot possibly answer 'I'd rather not' to her-- it would deem the air awkward.

"Sure, go ahead." 

Okay, this couldn't actually be too bad-- nothing is ever 'too bad'-

"So, Miranda gave you a midnight visit yesterday."

-Never mind-- anything can be 'too bad'

My body immediately freezes at the 'kind of' question-- though, it sounded more like 'I already know, just confirm it' rather than a 'is this true?'.

But either way, I could feel the anxiety starting to rise. I played with the hem of my skirt and gazed up to María, who had a softer expression now, "...I- well, yes, she indeed 'visited' me-- though I suppose it was more of a tricking me into thinking it was an actual bird other than a 'friendly' visit-- though, she did not harm any way..." I trail off from the last part, as it was getting-- somehow?-- difficult to find the words for then...

María sighs, probably in relief. She was always wary about Miranda, and so were the other sages-- though not as much as her. It was honestly odd, since María is known for her open-minded personality that made her so likeable.

Meanwhile those two-- they always had something to glare at each other for.

But, I just wonder-- what caused the sage to dislike Miranda so much?- I mean, yeah, don't get me wrong, I also hate her for what she did, though María started disliking her as soon as her name was mentioned.

And that is a rare sight, as I told you earlier.

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