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Chilling out! Shouted Jayden-main boy aka popular. Jayden lets go to the park said Tyler. Naa! Waiting for the rest of the class to come. Why would you wait for the class to come said Tyler. So I can see a girl said Jayden. Why do u would u said Tyler? So i win the challenge. And what is the challenge said Tyler. The challenge is to date a smart girl and before u ask me any more question tayril asked me to do this challenge said Jayden. A girl stepped out of door wearing a white pop out shirt with big long skirts and Jayden said noooo, Don't tell me I have to go with this please don't. Why aghhh said Jayden whole time making a weird face. Tomorrow lets see if I can get that girl just for this bet I am doing it otherwise I wouldn't go with this girl I would rather go with my parents but oh well.

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