one | my first day

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"Beep, Beep, Beep"
i slammed my hand on the alarm clock. Then I got up to prepare myself.

two hours later i was in EGO. I didn't know where i have to go. I was scared but i looked for room 2000 as they told me at the telephone.
When i found it i knocked on the door and opened after hearing a "come in".
Feris is a very beautiful woman and she seems to be cute.
"Hello" I said with a shy smile
„Dicle?" was her first question
„Yes i wanted to ask you where I can find my office"
„welcome! Come with me I will show you"


When you enter my office there is a black leather sofa. The wall has a large fireplace and mantle dominating the center, with bookshelves lining it on either side. It is small but it is comfortable and enough for me. I smiled when i remembered how i used to play pretending I have my own office as a child.

On my table i can already see some papers. I took a look and saw that my first actor is called Bariş Havas. A young actor, this scares me. I don't know him.. all I know is that young actors can be problematic and my career is important for me. I'll try to avoid problems and stay professional in my relationship to him.

Before i meet Bariş i need to wash my face so i looked for a bathroom. When i thought i found one and opened the door i suddenly slammed into a stranger. I closed my eyes immediately because I noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt.
"Sorry I- I won't look"
"You can look if you want i don't care" his deep voice made me almost forget how to breathe.
"Allah allah, why would i want"
I heard him laughing and couldn't stop myself from looking at him. I turned my face to him and wished I did that a long time ago.
My unconscious wouldn't allow my glassed over eyes to fixate on anything else but the perfect guy who is trying to wear his shirt. I had no idea a man could be this beautiful.

He was a compact, clearcut man, with precise features, a lot of very soft dark brown hair, and thoughtful dark brown eyes. He had a smile of amused friendliness and pleasure which aroused feelings of warmth, and something more, in many women. Also in me.

"Why would i want" he repeated what I said and laughed again
"Who are you? Are you working here" I asked him to change topic
"What? Haha you don't know me?" He was shocked
I rolled my eyes and said "why would I? I am new here"
Suddenly he seemed happy "what were you looking for before you bumped into me?"
"I wanted to go to the bathroom but now it is not important anymore. Can you tell me where i can find Bariş havas?"
"Oh Bariş Havas?"
"What here?"
"Here in front of you"
"Oh? You are Bariş? I am so sorry i didn't know I-"
"No worries but what do you want from me?"
"I am Dicle, Dicle Ertem. Your new manager"
"Oh you? Interesting" he had a smile, that makes every woman weak
"yes so can we have a new start now? Because i am embarrassed"
"Well.. Hello I am Bariş Havas and you?" He stretched his hand. Our hands touch drove me crazy. I couldn't understand what i was feeling.
"Hello I am Dicle Ertem"
"Nice to meet you" he smiled at me again. Is he doing that on purpose? He knows what he is doing I am sure.

I left the dressing room and went to my office after I told him I will be waiting there for him.


Finally at home I checked my messages and was thinking about messaging my supposedly soulmate. I opened his chat and typed
"Hello" before i could stop myself..  5 seconds later he was online. Wow 
"Finally you decided to talk to me?" was his message. I smiled
„I was not sure if I do it so fast"
„I don't know"
„So we are supposed to talk to each other without knowing even each other names?"
„Can we decide on fake names and call each other by them?"
„Good idea. You start how should I call you?"
„Beautiful name, you can call me Güneş"
"Like the sun?" wow he thought about it so fast
„Our shipname would be günefe"
"Why do you think about such things.. just like celebrities"
"Maybe I am a celebrity who knows?"
"Yes and I can fly"
"How old are you?"
"We can say that?"
"I think so?"
"I am 23 what about you?"
"are you busy right now?" I asked because he answered me five minutes later and not immediately like before
"I am walking to the gym"
"Oh enjoy"
"Thank you. I will message you tomorrow because I don't think I will be back home early. Good night Güneş"
"Good night Efe"

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