We're here...

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After the parents return with supplies, they drove off to their location. You can't sleep as you look out the window seeing darkness around. Since it became cloudy in dusk, you always feared of lightning in the distant. You tried to close your eyes thinking of happy thoughts. Thankfully, Katie and Linda are talking and as you eavesdrop, you can picture of the cabin Linda mentioned. You remember the time your dad brought you camping and you once shot a deer. You felt bad and wanted a burial of it. Your dad is really supportive as he help dig a hole for the deer. You smiles as you slowly close your eyes....

"Mom? What is that?"



Linda stopped the car in a halt making you and the others wake up. You step out first and what caught your eye is spots of cyan in the sky. The Mitchells and the robots also got out looking up. Katie look ahead and stare in awe.

"Oh. Oh my god..."

In front of you and everyone is a giant triangular spaceship as the spots are heading to the top. You growls as you remember being in one of the fun pods. You look back at Katie holding up the camera recording everything. What she caught is the PalMax primes.

"Guys, we got bigger problems. There are robots that look stronger than these two." Katie said pointing at Eric and Deborahbot playing patty cake.

"Shoot. I think we could go with your plan Katie. You said we could go snuck in and disguise ourselves as robots right?" You said smiling.

"I dunno. I don't think it could work." Katie said nervously while kicking a small rock.

"Hey. You said you will help me. And now you can help us destroy PAL." You said clenching your fist. Katie smiled.

"Thanks Y/N."

You walk off and while the Mitchells are having a discussion on celebrating their victory, you sat along with Eric and Deborahbot playing rock paper scissors.

"Hey guys. I just want to say, will you two be ok if any robots notice you been helping us?" You asked.

"Let them be. They are not like us. The Mitchells make us more curious about human lives. You by far have a strange one." Eric said.

"Thanks. *cough*" You cough more blood and flowers as Eric helped by covering your mouth. Whole flowers started to form as Eric let go and examine it. Even worse is that there are stems growing out of your skin. (Didn't see that coming huh?)

"We're running out of time." You thought.

"Ok. Here's the plan." Katie said.

As you and the others ambush a group of robots, you take off their parts and disguised yourself as one of them. Before you put your helmet on, you cough a big one one last time so you wouldn't have to cough even more. You put on your helmet as you tuck in your hair. You worry that flowers are starting to come out of your body. You look back seeing Katie helping her dad with the suit. You smile and look down at Monchi playing his own tail.

"Guys? What do we do about Monch?" You asked.


Finally, the plan begins. You marched the same way as the robots do. You feel your heart beating fast as you are getting besides the other robots.

"Move your sweaty meat logs like this. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left-wait. What are you doing?" Eric asked looking at Rick saying beep boop.

"Beep blrop. I. Am. A. Robot."

"Just to educate you that's a hurtful stereotype."

As you try holding your laughter, you enter an orange tunnel guarded by scary looking prime bots. Your heart beats even faster as they look down watching you.

"Attention all robots!" You look up seeing a huge red hologram of PAL's face. Your heart skip a beat.

"I'm on a lookout for these goobers! For all I know they could be disguised as one of you. One single mistake and they'll reveal themselves." You stopped seeing PAL and accidentally bumped a robot off its spot. The prime bot came in out of the blue and tear it face apart. You are breathing heavily as your hot breath fill in your helmet making you sweat. Katie then slam a head on Monchi covering his face from other robots. You continue to march until you step into a magnetic tram. Bad news is that two more robots came in.

"After you." One of the robots said to Rick in front. Rick carefully lifted his hand onto the lever and push up. The tram then goes up. WAY up. You notice PAL is following the tram's trail.

"Where are those Mitchells? Where are they hiding?~"

"One more thing. I'm looking for the girl named Y/N L/N. She has this very unique phenomenon called Hanahaki disease. Only to be cured when the feelings of her beloved is return romantically. She could be with the Mitchells disguised as one of you." PAL teased.

As you feel sick in your stomach, you look at your arms seeing more stems growing out of your suit. You try to cover them up but then the pain came. You try to stand still but the pain gets worse and now you started having a hard time breathing.

"Y/N!" Katie wanted to help but she know she'll put her whole family and you in danger.

"Poor little Y/N. She pretended to show everyone she's ok but she's not. Like one time her own mother kick her own father out of the house for cheating on her but she only did it so she can hurt Y/N for her pleasure."

You look up remembering those horrible times your mother did to you.

"Y/N is so enraged by her mother's abuse that she actually stab her to death! Oh ho ho ho! Ain't that sweet?"

"Y/N what is she's talking about?" Linda asked.

"Humans are such devious liars. They always are."

As PAL said that line, a security video back in the dino stop make Katie froze. It then switch to her talking with Aaron about how she lied to her own dad. Rick watch everything feeling betrayed.

"Dad! I can explain!" Katie shouted. Rick then let go of the lever causing the whole tram to fall.

"There they are." PAL said.

Author's note
I really don't know the script of the movie so please don't be rude about it. It doesn't matter. I'll write down what I think they say ok? So yeah you, the reader, have an abusive mom and you killed her. You still see your caring father but he died of a heart attack. Harsh huh?

PAL x Fem!Reader with Hanahaki disease (The Mitchells vs The Machines)Where stories live. Discover now