If the reader stay dead...

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PAL sobbed and look back at
Y/N's body now covered in F/💐. Surge of anger and pain filled her circuits as she let out a piercing cry.


Her scream halt off the fight between the Mitchells and the prime bots. The Mitchells covered their ears from PAL's screech. That's when the prime bots caught them off guard and bring them back to PAL. As they brought the whole family to her, were shocked. There was
Y/N lying on a cold cracked ground covered in blood, bandages, and flowers. Worst of all lifeless. PAL look back at the family enraged.

"You." Her voice makes their spines shiver and stiff. She came up toward Katie and slap her so hard leaving a red mark.

"You killed her! If it wasn't for you and your stupid family, Y/N would still be with me and our time would be better!!" PAL screamed.

"No she-"

"SHUT UP! I don't want to hear another excuse from a worthless, slobby, digusting, stupidest human who thinks she can save humanity with her group of weirdos. I never want to see your faces again."

Katie teared up from PAL's hurtful words. She's right. Maybe she is worthless. Maybe she can't save humanity. She's just an outcast from everyone else like her family.

"Take them to the fun pods. It's time for departure."

"Yes my queen." The prime bots drag the Mitchells to the fun pods. Two other prime bots came in with Eric and Deborahbot 5000.

"My queen. These are the traitorous robots that worked with the Mitchells. What shall we do with them?" One of the bots asked.

"Let them watch humanity suffer." PAL spoke darkly.

The primes brought Eric and Deborahbot to the big screen and what pop up is the Mitchells now in the fun pods. They look scared and the small dinosaur boy is sobbing. PAL came up and start an announcement.

"Attention all humans. Departure for space start right now..." PAL laughed like a maniac as she finally accomplished what she done. The ships started to launch. Her mission is now complete.

Everyone in the ship started to hold on for dear life. Katie clench onto the chair wishing she held her dad's hand one last time. Aaron started sobbing and cuddle up wishing this nightmare would've end. Linda close her eyes wanting to hugged her children one final time. Rick wished he spend his final moments with Katie. Mark screamed and bang on the window for Y/N but didn't know she was dead. As the ship is blasted into space, Eric and Deborahbot could do nothing but watch. As PAL finally stopped laughing and having her revenge, she look back at the corpse. She held it up one last time.

"Y/N..." She whispered while hugging her.

"This human is very unique unlike the others. She shall recieve a proper funeral and I want all of you to attend by wearing black and hold a single F/💐 in which Y/N likes." PAL responded.

After the cyan ship is no longer seen, all robots are wearing black and hold a single F/💐 on their hands. PAL is now queen of robots as she wore what a queen would wore but more cyber style. She look down at
Y/N now in a glass coffin. She was too beautiful to be buried. She then give out a speech.

"I know she is human but she is more than just a human. She is my long time friend three years back. She was always there for me like no other can. She listen to my problems and talk to me like I am one of her kind. Despite my hatred toward humans, Y/N is a very special one. She once said she don't care if anyone talks about our relationship. Which proves to me that she's in love with me. And now *sob* she-she's gone. A-and I-I-I blew it! *sobbing*"

PAL cover her crying face not wanting the robots to see her crying.

"Now it is time for the burial..."

PAL covered Y/N with her old cape she once wore and place a bouquet of F/💐on her. Some robots sing a choir and others are lighting up their cannon arms raising it up like the stars in the night. PAL finally close the coffin and nodded. They lower the coffin into the hole and started burying it. PAL started sobbing as the other robots lay their flowers around Y/N's grave. The tombstone read:


PAL couldn't bear to watch the funeral as she heard small whimpering. Monchi came out from behind the tree and started whining. PAL knows this dog-pig-loaf of bread belongs to the Mitchells but they were long gone right now and there is no other humans to take care of it. She picks up Monchi and Monchi started licking her face.

"Hahaha! Thanks. I needed that." *sniff* PAL hugged Monchi as she look back at Y/N's grave.

"Y/N. I'm sorry for what I've done. I'll take care of the dog. That what the Mitchells would've wanted. And I'll make this world a better place for you."


A few months has passed ever since Y/N's death and the end of humanity. PAL look over her new world with Monchi as her new companion. Eric and Deborahbot tried their best to keep PAL happy and so they did and become her right hand bots. She patted Monchi's head as she look back at her new cyberpunk empire. Y/N is the only human she'll ever loved beside others. She promised herself she would make Y/N happy. Even if she's still dead....

~The End~

The bad ending....

Author's note
So this is the bad ending of the story in case you're wondering. Special thanks to I_ReadTOO_Much for the idea of an alternative ending!
Anyways thank you for reading this bonus! 😘😘😘

PAL x Fem!Reader with Hanahaki disease (The Mitchells vs The Machines)Where stories live. Discover now