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Sunny mornings are Sam Golbach's favorite aesthetic. The pinks and oranges of the rays that just peak above the horizon.

The blonde in boy's hair glowed as the radiance of the sun shines through the apartment window; the blinds casting shadows along the walls and his pale skin.

Sam snuggled into his comfy clothes, claiming the best spot on the couch next to the window, soaking in as much sun as possible. He reached for the tv remote, clicking the power button to search for a channel. Yet the tv was not to distract him but only to stir up the silence. Silence was never Sam's go to "sound", if you must. But if silence was ever necessary, it would be for activities Sam needed to focus more on. Like now, his attention is set on a pair of crochet needles in his lap, thinking that this could be the most tedious, stressful thing he'll ever do.

Every once in a while he'd glance back at the "Grandma's secret on crocheting" guide book. The words just didn't make sense after reading them five times in a row, only to make sure what he was doing was correct.

A nostalgic aroma: a very tart and sweet smell filled the room as each minute passed. A watermelon-y, spring smell to be exact. Yet each breath breathed in equaled lungs full of strong, almost toxic scents if artificial candy, but it had a relaxing factor for Sam...

"Sam!" A deep raspy voice protruded the silence, snapping the boy out of his trance.
"I wasn't expecting anyone," Sam spoke over the abrupt sound of bags and belongings crashing to the floor. Whoever this was decided they were moving in. Bags upon bags were brought in by the unannounced intruder.
"Sorry I didn't send you a notice but...." The voice trails off to the sound of a lighter clicking.
"Colby?" Sam questions the person.
"Yeah?" The boy replies. "You better not be smoking in my apartment," Sam made clear. "Smoking? Oh no.." Colby made himself visible, wearing only a black tank top and jeans, obviously holding a cigarette between his pointer and middle finger. "I quit... Two years ago," he blew out an enormous dark cloud of smoke, some escaping from his nostrils, " Remember?" A smirk creeped up his face.
"Why are you here?" Sam coughed, waving away the cloud. The crochet needles, halfway through a row of yarn, were picked back up and began crocheting away. The brunette (Colby) eyed Sam's work as he walked past, heading towards the apartment bathroom, "needed to borrow someone's shower."
"What's wrong with yours?" Sam grumbled.
"Broken," the brunette replied with a sort of 'duhh' attitude, like Sam should've known this fact and would happily allow him to use the shower without explanation.
"How?" Sam retorted, dropping his crochet needles with a glass clank.
"Does it matter?" Colby smartly replied back.
"Actually it does, because I don't necessarily want you to use my shower if yours is perfectly fine, well that's what I'm guessing, cuz I wasn't given much information.." the blonde blinked hard and long as to give a 'yeah right' attitude back. And once again Sam began crocheting again.
The brunette drew in from his cigarette, this time a long breath was taken in. "This is stressing me out," he had said before. The inhale stayed inhaled for a little longer than they both thought, but it was for a reason. Sam was in for a real treat. The exhale was short and divided into three separate exhales. And with those three little clouds of smoke, three letters and a number formed:

I  H8  U

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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