05|there was something in the air

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This Chapter is dedicated to my childhood best friend who's anniversary was at the end of the month! Love and miss you H, always❤️🕊- C

The concert outfits are in the media

and it was
enchanting to meet you


July 17th - Corfu, Greece.
They say love at first sight creeps up on you, hitting you out of nowhere.

I had always hoped there could be such a thing, but I'd never thought I could get the chance to experience a romance like that.

Sometimes the concept was hard to believe, seeing a person and knowing it's love is difficult to perceive because I had always thought that you need to know a person before you can call it love... but as a hopeless romantic at heart - I couldn't help but hold on to the breaking threads.

Tiny little fine lines.

Ever ready to snap and let me fall. I had never experienced such an emotion as falling so fast, thinking that such feelings should take a big amount of time to develop and fester. Starting with a small feeling of interest, liking the person for who they are, and then building to love.

What I mean is: I'd never felt the spark of love at first sight... until now.  For me, in the past,  it always ended in tragedy.

"Here you go handsome." A voice spoke to me, snapping me out of my concentration - staring at the blank page. Oh, it was the waitress.

"Thanks." I smiled watching her place my drink in front of me on top of a white napkin.

"Anything else I can get you?"

Twirling my pencil in hand, placing it behind my ear, I shake my head, "Not at the minute."

"I put my number on the back of your napkin... Give me a call sometime? I'm Frida."

My eyebrows raised from her forwardness, that came out of nowhere...unless I was flirting? Was I flirting? I'm not used to so much attention and yet it always found me.

Trouble follows me everywhere I go. No matter where I was in the world, there it would be, just around the corner. Like a dark looming shadow shading over the sunshine, the paradise of this new continent I had found myself in.

Corfu, however, felt different; ever since the moment my feet hit the sad coming off the boat. I didn't feel the presence of trouble looming, like I had lost it in my travels somehow and I could finally find myself on the island. I had hope, finally. That something on this island, in the air, was telling me that I should thank my lucky stars -  a change was about to commence. Luck would be in my favour. This was it. My big chance for change in my life.

If only I had known what I knew now...

"Excuse me, miss!" Someone, sitting at the table next to mine, hollered at Frida. "What time does the band come on?"

"Any second now."

The lights of the bar go out; the chatter surrounding me becomes a hushed roar, and a sense of excitement begins to linger in the air. My full attention turned towards the small stage upfront, placing my hand on my chin as I waited for the three figures to come onto the platform. Wondering how they felt in this moment, experiencing what many dreamt of - myself included. A sense of pure adrenaline begins to build, heart beat thrashing against your chest and knowing that whomever is in that audience is there to see you. To support your work, scream the lyrics back to you and dance the night away.

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