The Stars

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It's 3 in the morning, the rain is pouring, and she can't fall asleep again. Maybe it's because she was on the couch while she let Gala fall asleep on the only bed in the house that wasn't Mack's. Goth gets up and rubs her eyes. She was in her black pajamas, with the large pink hoodie on still. The least she could do was be somewhat productive. She walks into the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water. Goth sat back down on the couch. She teleports a spellbook with black pages to her. She crossed her legs and bunched up in the corner of the couch. 

"Candlelight." Goth whispers. She waved her hand. A dim ball of light appeared next to her book. It was bright enough so she can read the arcane words printed in white. It wasn't in English. Instead, it was in some other strange language. Clearly, Goth understood it since she was reading it like any other book. Except most books considered normal wouldn't be talking about how to befriend demonic entities. Or how to convince them to give you some of their power. Or how to harvest troll fat while at the same time being cruelty-free. Or how to make a love potion which she didn't really need now. I can go on, but then this paragraph will be hard to read for mobile users. 

The rain finally slowed to a stop. Goth walked up the steps of the apartment complex straight onto the roof. She sits on the edge of the roof, then reads her book in silence. Each page was gently illuminated; by the calm moonlight. 

But, like our friend on the roof, Gala was also awake. Tormented by restlessness. She sighs as she sat on the twin-sized mattress in the eerily empty room. The window illuminated the dark crevices of the room with starlight. She sighs since she was alone now. Alone and cold. Last she remembered, she was cuddling with Goth. And now she disappeared. She already knew where Goth was.

Gala sighs heavily and walks up to the roof. 

She turned her head to see Goth struggling to fight off a strange man with large scales on his back. He put a cloth over Goth's mouth, making her faint. The man opened a portal and leaped through with Goth. 

All before Gala could even react.

~End of Chapter 34~

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