The Captured

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She was inside of a small, dark cell in the dungeon. That's where Sky was, and for now, that was the only place she'd be. She was awake and chained to the wall. Her crystals were slowly regenerating. They were only a few minutes away from being fully restored.  She looks up to see where she was. When she realized she was in a dungeon, she panicked. She struggles and tugs on the chains, trying to break free, but it wasn't working. She sighs. Okaw walks past her cell, then walks backward and stops in front of her cell door, and looks at her. 

"Wow, I'm surprised Bonzo didn't eat you," Okaw remarked.

"You mean that perverted jester who talks in the third person?!" She asked, clearly pissed. 

"Yes, I see you met him." 

"Met him?! I woke up to him grabbing my ass?!" 

"Oh my god, I am so sorry about that..." 

"It's fine... that happens more often than you think. Can you just.... just let me out? I wanna go home..."

"I can't.... the listener wants to speak with you when she gets back." 

"You mean that traitor?!" she yelled, as her crystals turn red. Okaw growls slightly. 

"She didn't have a choice to become this way?! She didn't tell you because she already KNEW how your ignorant race would react?!" Okaw bellowed, "So THAT'S why she didn't tell you because she knew you'd make a big deal out of it or ABUSE HER as her mother did?! So before you go crying about how you supposedly lost a friend, how about you do more research than just the LIES your priests tell you?!" 

"I don't believe you?! I wouldn't have reacted like this if she just told me?! Like how friends would?!" she answered. Bonzo RUNS to Okaw and hides behind him. 


"Really? By who?!" Okaw asked. Then, out of the blue, Agent Infinite ran in and tackled Bonzo. He held a knife to Bonzo's neck.

"TELL ME WHERE SHE IS NOW?!" he screamed. Okaw and Bonzo look directly to their right, where Sky was in her cell. 

"Bonzo thinks you should use your eyes," Bonzo remarked. Agent Infinite looks around then seen Sky. He gets off Bonzo and kicks down the cell door, freeing her. Sky stands as her crystal instantly fix themselves. 

"Did they hurt you, your highness? Are you okay?" Infinite asked hastily. 

"I'm fine. But the jester grabbed my ass. Can you do something about that?" Sky asked. Infinite looks at Bonzo like he was ready to murder him. Bonzo hides behind Okaw. 

"Okay, no murder. That's our thing." Okaw remarked, "Plus, that was probably just Bonzo trying to wake you up."

"Disgusting... but what else do I expect from demon worshippers." Infinite remarked nastily. 

"Rude, but what else do I expect from closed-minded Somanions," Okaw answered back nastily, mocking Infinite's tone.

"Can we not argue today? C'mon Agent, let's head home," she muttered as she tugs at Infinite's cloak. 

"You can't. Not till the listener comes back-" Okaw was interrupted, since Infinite covered Okaw's mouth. Infinite looked annoyed and done with this situation.

"We're going home, and you won't stop us." Infinite mumbles threateningly. Okaw shivers slightly. Infinite holds Sky's hand and walks out with her. 

~End of Chapter 25~

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