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mitch marched down the tunnels, getting closer and closer to the voices he had heard earlier with aaliyah. once he was finally able to understand the words being said, from who he assumed was ghost's members, he took it as a signal to hide. he looked up, eyeing a metal bar hanging from the ceiling, a cage shelf being attached to the bar. he took a few steps before jumping up, griping the bar tightly as he pulled himself up, climbing onto the cage shelf. he laid flat on his stomach, waiting to see the members pass by him. he gets deja vu, remembering aaliyah and him laying on the ledge in the warehouse. his stomach drops as he thinks about aaliyah's safety, once again. he realizes how idiotic he was to leave her on her own, but he also knew there was nothing else he could do, since he couldn't get past the gate. mitch tried to shake this heavy feeling off, focusing back in on his job. the three men pass mitch, muttering to one another in their native language, but not being able to spot rapp on the wire ledge.

aaliyah walks slowly down a tunnel, seeing an faint light approaching. she has the gun aimed forward, in her right hand, and a knife in her left hand, which was ready to attack anyone as her left arm rested right underneath her right one. she heard distant voices discussing something in a foreign language, making her duck behind an abandon trash bin. she peeks around the corner, noticing four men standing in a circle, loading and disarming guns that were on a wooden crate. they communicate in a foreign language, which aaliyah didn't understand until she heard the words stan hurley. her posture stiffened, as she breathed through her nose quietly, preparing for anything to happen.

even in different parts of the tunnels, both the recruits experienced the same issue. both of their phones went off, due to a message from kennedy. both their eyes widened, as they realize they were about to be caught.

mitch watched the members turn around, and look for where the text message notification came from. one member looks up and shouts to his friends, announcing mitch's presence. mitch jumps down quickly, as the the members begin to fire at mitch with their guns. bullets soar past mitch, missing him by only centimeters. he begins to run quickly, keeping his head down. he keeps sprinting, before he feels a sharp pain in his tricep. he had been shot. he quickly covers his arm, as he ducks a corner. the members weren't very fast, but they had a greater advantage over rapp with their guns. mitch continued to speed through the tunnels, trying to find his way out so he could get the car.

aaliyah quickly stood to her feet, showing her appearance to the four men that were circled around each other. she shoots the gun at the man, with a rifle in his hands, in his head, hitting him immediately in the forehead and knocking him back. the three other men charge at aaliyah, only one of them having a weapon in his hand. aaliyah spots that man getting close to her, and her instincts told her to aim down at his foot and fire, immobilizing him. he falls to the ground, dropping his gun as he did so. another man starts to gain up on aaliyah. he fires his gun, making aaliyah duck quickly. she uses the advantage to take the blade in her hand and stab the man in three different spots on his leg. the calf, the knee, and the femur. she leaves the knife in his thigh, as he lands on his good leg. the final member snuck up behind aaliyah, grabbing her wrist firmly, keeping her from aiming the gun at him. she panicked for a second before remembering the knife hidden in her jean waistband. she quickly pulls it out, and rams it into the man's abdomen. he lets out a sharp breath, before leaning over and falling to the ground. right when aaliyah thought her work was done, she felt a horrendous pain in her outer thigh. she looked down, noticing a knife lodged in her leg. she looked down, noticing the member with the stabbed leg had taken out the knife in his leg and threw it into her's. she limps over to him, as his eyes widen and he begins to crawl away. she was faster than him, giving her the advantage to step on his back, to keep him in place. she leans forward and places two hands on the side of his head, twisting his head to the side, snapping his neck suddenly. she steps back, looking behind her to see the only alive member completely mortified. she huffs, catching her breath, before she walks over to him. she bends down, and begins to remove his belt as the man cries out of terror. she removed his belt from around his waist, and quickly used it to make a tourniquet. she looped the belt tightly around her leg, right above the wound, knowing it would stop the bleeding. she then removed the knife from her leg, screaming loudly. she wipes the blood off on her jeans, then sticks the knife in her boot. as she begins to walk away, she leans down to grab her other knife from the man's abdomen. she tucked that one away in her waistband, and was then on her way to find mitch. while aaliyah was limping, she reached into her pocket to finally read the message kennedy had sent.

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