Family Ties

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Qing had been moved in the night, to a room, quiet, away from the hubbub of the battle's cleanup. She felt a little groggy and she laughed a short explosion of mirth. Sly old fox. Dr. Yue  had laced that warm cup of tea he made her after he had arrived. She rolled out of her pallet and headed to the great room where the infirmary was and was surprised to see Jiang Cheng sitting, propped by pillows and Mei Mei was feeding him some broth. Qing was overcome with awkwardness and so was he, so they nodded to one another without speaking. He could not control his bright red ears and she could not stop the rose blush that flooded her cheeks.

As soon a Mei Mei saw her, she stopped feeding Jiang Cheng and fell to the floor at her feet, weeping disconsolately. Chu Chu rushed from another bedside and did the same. All Qing could do was sit down with them and gather them close, rocking them and murmuring endearments. "I know you are blameless. Jing made his own choices and Lan Zhan and Lan Xi Chen will find the truth. You are family to me and do not doubt you."

 She stood them up. "Now go and wash your faces. There are many wounded that need your help."

She walked over and picked up the bowl that Mei Mei had been holding and began to feed Jiang Cheng. In between bites, he said," I have always seen ladies perfectly dressed and madeup. You are rumpled and disheveled and I have never seen anything more lovely."

Her face got redder but she replied sternly.

"You need to save your strength. Foolish flirting will not help that."

 He stopped talking, but smiled as he gazed at her. Secretly, she felt a flutter deep in her stomach. When he was finished, she wiped his lips and chin and laid him back down. "Sleep." She ordered him.

She walked over to Yenay who was also awake and her eyes smiled as the injured woman opened her own and looked at her at her. "Thank Heaven, You made it through. I was so worried, Yenay."

"No, " Yenay whispered. "Thank you." 

"You must rest. Qinyang will break my neck if you overreach your strength."

"Yes, she will!"

Qing turned swiftly and hugged her Qinyang as hard as she could. The other woman held her tightly as she trembled, stroking her hair and soothing her. 

"There, there you did well. Very well. These two would not have made it without you. Come with me, Dr, Yue has tea and buns ready."

"I hope the old scoundrel has not drugged it this time." They laughed as they walked into the kitchen.

The tiny man at the stoved turned around.

"It's about time, sleeping Princess!"

"No thanks to you, you old alchemist." He smiled proudly. "You were too wound up and refused to sleep. I had no choice." She leaned down and hugged his and felt her footing back underneath her. This man meant the world to her.

"Sit. Drink and eat. After that, we need to talk." She dived into the food, buns, rich soup with mushrooms, carrots, radish, and noodles. Then she ate a second helping. It made the elderly Doctor happy to see her appetite and he watched her fondly as she ate. She amazed him; her strength and talent had come back full force during the crisis. Her lifesaving techniques using simple equipment and a wondrous new drug were astonishing to him. As she leaned back and patted her belly, he addressed his young charge.

"Qing. there are two things I would like to discuss.

"This sounds serious. Did I mess things up last night?"

"No! On the contrary, I could not have done better myself. Your surgery was perfect and that drug from India is one I will be using from now on.  No, this is very personal for me. "

"Please go on, Dr. Yue."

"That is one more thing to add to our discussion. I want you to stop addressing me that way."

"What do you mean?"

"I will explain but it will take a few minutes. I will be completely retiring soon. Only special cases from now on.I am getting old and I no longer have the energy I need for this work. I have received permission to oversee your examinations to reinstate your position as Doctor. I also would like it, if you pass, for you to take over my practice, both at Cloud Recesses and Yunmeng." 

She shook her head, "What did you say??" 

"I  would be honored if you will be my replacement when I retire."

"Are you certain, Doctor? What if all my memory has not returned?"

"After the night you experienced, you are my only choice, even though I have had many applicants already. I trust you. There is one other thing I would like to ask you, if you do not mind?"


" As you know, I have never married. That is an irrevocable decision I made as a young man and it is unchanged. I have no children and neither does my Cousin. I wish to...I hope you...would you consider allowing me to adopt you as my Granddaughter?"

Qing sat there frozen, her hands shaking and tears welled in her black eyes. She could not speak and he waited anxiously. 

"You both want me to be your grandchild? You want me?" 

"Yes. And if your brother is ever found and helped, we would welcome him as well. You have been through a lot in your life, from your parents' murder and your abduction into Nightless City. The loss of your brother and your life that you knew. Your vocation, gone. Your home, gone. I have watched you endure that which nobody should face. I would be honored to call you our family, and so would my Cousin."

Overwhelmed, she laid her head on her arms and began to sob, long, deep and loud cries rang through the kitchen as the old Doctor hovered helplessly, trying to calm her.

Qinyang ran in and then, after that, a figure loomed, hanging on to the doorway. Jiang Cheng had hauled himself to the desperate sound. Qinyang rushed to his side as he demanded hoarsely, "What happened? Who has made Qing cry? Is she alright? Who has made her cry?"

"All I did was ask her to take over my clinic and be my Granddaughter. I thought she would be happy!"

She lifted her head and they suddenly saw that she had an enormous smile, loving and unbelieving. across her face. She wrapped her arms around Dr. Yue and cried into his neck.

"Yes. Oh yes. I would love nothing more than to call you Grandfather!" They embraced tightly and the old man wept along with her.

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