New Life

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Cloud Recesses seemed lighter after the departure of Lan Qiren. People breathed easier and the oppressive sense of walking on broken glass was gone. Even in isolation, he had tried to interfere with the changing of the guard and his disruption had reached an intolerable pinnacle. Nobody mourned his entry into the monastery.

Lan Zhan and Lan XiChen were busy reviewing and eliminating the extra 1000 rules (they called thes rules A.W., After Wei.) he had forced through, as well as the rules limiting personal relationships. Basically, the idea that they had the right to direct loving relationships seemed ludicrous and arbitrary. The newest Elders were in agreement as well. 

They were interrupted when a tiny glimmering white owl flew in. It was a message from Ming. 

"Water broke. In labor...Dammit it that one hurt!... Where are you?? Send Qing and Doctor Yue! And get your beautiful rear end home."

Lan Xi Chen ran to the door, eyes wild and panicking. Then he ran back to Lan Zhan and stood for a moment, mouth working but no words coming. Then he ran back to the door and suddenly bent over, hands gripping his knees as he tried to breathe. Lan Zhan, not much calmer, rushed to him and began to pound his brother's back, but only managed to start him coughing instead.

Lan Zhan said, "Okay. Okay. Breathe. Breathe!"

Lan XiChen straightened and grabbed Lan Zhan's shoulders, his face an inch away, head bobbing . "I...I...I need to go, send the Doctors!"

Lan Zhan's head bobbed in unison. "Yes. Yes. The Doctors!"

Lan XiChen took to the air and Lan Zhan ran like a maniac for the clinic. Men stared at them in confusion, and women laughed behind their sleeves and said, "That baby is finally on its way!" Another entertaining spectacle thanks to their Sect Master and his General. What would Cloud Recesses do without them?

Lan XiChen landed in time to hear a tremendous roar from the sleeping quarters of the Manor.

"Gods! Is this Little Otter trying to gnaw its way out?!" Ming sounded possessed and he hopped back on his sword.

"He's landed? Then where are you, Lan XiChen? I am not going through this alone!" He reluctantly dismounted again and ran obediently into the house.

 Qing was walking back and forth, swiftly, the exercise was compulsive, allowing her to stay active and making it easier for the baby to slowly settle into a normal place. He cautiously approached his wife and she grabbed his hands. Her eyes, a little fearful and uncertain, looked even more like a  bird of prey, wild and feral. 

"I have been wounded in battle numerous times, but nothing...NOTHING...prepared me for this!"

And strangely, seeing her on the verge of not handling something, calmed him immediately. He led her to a chair and helped her sit. He knelt before her. "I am here my Mengquin. I will help you."

"Is that fitting, Master?" Asked a maid. 

He smiled gently into his wife's eyes. "It is fitting for us!"

The maid bowed and ran to get clean linens.

"I was hoping you would stay. Birthing is not a normal place for husbands." Ming whispered with a tone of immediate relief. 

"Why not? You did not make this baby yourself."

She started to laugh and another pain hit. She grasped his hands and he held them for as long as it took. She had an amazingly strong grip, and this was going to be a long day.

 The Yues arrived and landed quickly, walking up to the Manor, carrying leather bags. They matched each other's strides as well and carried an air of authority that brooked no objections to their rule in the labor room. They raised eyebrows at the sight of Lan XiChen kneeling in front of his wife.

"I am staying." Stated the husband.

"Or I refuse to have this baby!" Exclaimed the wife.

The Yues looked at each other and grinned.

"And that is that," remarked the Elder Yue. "Better she is holding your hands than ours when that head starts to crown.'

Lan XiChen started to stutter. ""

"You know, Brother when the baby is ready to come out and you can see the top of the head..."

"Never mind! " shouted the expectant couple in unison. She was bright red with embarrassment and Lan XiChen had turned a lovely shade of jade green. Ming indicated that she needed to walk again and Lan XiChen hastily suggested a turn in the garden. The  Doctors agreed since the pains were still 20 minutes apart.

The pleasant  air refreshed Ming and Lan XiChen followed closely, keeping a close eye to make sure she was strong and steady as she walked. She paused to inhale some bright pink peonies and he waved a gardener over, asking him to clip a bouquet for the labor room. 

She smiled her pleasure and murmured, "You are too sweet, my Mengquin Wang. What a lovely scent to greet our Little Otter at birth."

They looked up into their piece of the sky over the garden and she sighed happily. "It is so beautiful today. Won't it be glorious the first time we ascend in your arms, Otter held tightly between us and we can show him the stars from high above the ground."

 Lan Xi Chen gave her, them, a gentle back hug, placing his hands over her belly, protectively. 

"I have the same dream. It will indeed be glorious!"

Calm once again, plans for the immediate future in place, they continued their stroll, centered and ready for the next contractions to hit. They could do this, together.

Nine hours later, as the first stars appeared over the Manor, Lan An Xi was born, a healthy boy, who did not cry, but laughed as he entered the world. He had his Mother's bird of prey eyes , his Uncle Zhan's full lips and his proud Papa's generous and loving disposition.

The Yues watched as the Lan men crowded the bedroom doorway, beaming with pride. The women gathered around Ming and An, their faces incandescent at the sight of mother and child.

The full moon rose gracefully as it sent blessings down to this perfect and lovely nest and it's occupants.

***If you enjoyed the adventures of those that lived Life Among The Clouds.please read the conclusion in Vol. 3, Meng's Revenge Thank you so much!***

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