Drunk At Thanksgiving

318 9 14

(Harry's POV)

"Dinners ready-

Her lips were so close, less than an inch from mine before they are curly ripped from me when Jordyn jumps back frightened. Attempting to sooth the crease between her brows with two fingers.

"Oh... now I didn't interrupt anything, did I?" Granny takes weak blame with a hand over her chest.

Yes. Yes you did, Granny.

"I adored this woman up to this point." I mutter under my pathetic-not to mention sexually frustrated-breath.

"N-no." Jordyn stutters, giving her head a dizzy looking shake.

I find myself glaring down at her as if to say, uh-yes, actually. Huffing a verbal sigh due to this brutal rejection, I turn my eyes away from her timid stare. "I'm going to um," trying to clear the dryness from my throat, "Freshen up before dinner." I announce an excuse in attempt to slip past the door to the toilet in shameful hiding. I might as well be a cowardly puppy with his tail between his legs after trying to tackle his owner with kisses. But I'll admit... it might have not been the best idea.

I feel like I've been saying that far too much lately.

But I've just about reached the point where I'm done giving a damn, even though I know it's insensitive of me for Jordyn's sake. But she was going to kiss me, I remind myself. I bet my life on it, she was going to kiss me. She was going to kiss me, I repeat. It's echo replaying through my mind until I'm met with a table full of enough food to eat into next year. Still, I find myself growing anxious as I continue to feel misplaced in a room full of kind strangers. Well... most relatively kind, anyway. I find the last available seat next to Granny instead of Jordyn, to my disappointment. Although I've learned to love this radiating woman, I can't stop myself from wondering if I'd gotten here sooner I could've had the pleasure of being seated next to person across from me instead. "Over here, honey. I saved you a seat next to the prettiest woman here." Granny gives the chair to her left a little pat, causing a grin to tease the corners of my lips.

"Well, I'm one lucky man then." I charm her with a mischievous wink.

"My, my. You sure are a sight for sore eyes." She fans herself with a hand, tilting her short curls back with drama.

"Nothing compared to you, darling." I speak in a husky voice for more effect.

Leaning into my hearing, she cups her hand over her words and whispers, "Jordyn's crazy to not be with you, if you ask me."

"I'd have to agree." I mimic her whisper, gaining a confused glare from the woman in the green dress  sat across from us. Speaking a silent sentence in Angie's ear, she waits for an answer, but instead is offered a chuckle. Leaving Jordyn to roll her irritated eyes. There's no telling what witty comment she's whispered to cause Angie to laugh this hard. Dinner continues to drag by. I stay quiet, apart from answering Granny's occasional comment. Figuring if I playfully flirt enough with her, Jordyn's bound to get jealous at some point.

Fingers crossed.

For an eighty year old woman her flirting is quite impeccable, I must say. Her charm is warm and welcoming. She reminds me of my Gran and the sweet memories I got to share with her. Like her teaching me how to make a proper cup of tea, or her and I picking on Gemma's new boyfriends. Gran would always have hot coco made on a holiday, no matter how old I got it still made me feel like a giddy kid again. And if you're wondering if I still put the mini marshmallows in the answer's, yes. It will always be, yes. She had that ability to coat you with love from just one simple gesture. Blanketing you with a familiarity of safety so warm you would never wished to escape from its paradise.

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