Red Eyes

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Jordyn's song 'Missing You' is OUT NOW on my new channel. Go listen now!

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to VOTE!!

(Jordyn's POV)

I feel like I'm drifting in a wave. Not a violent one, but one that's all consuming in the best way I've ever felt. Like I'm floating, damning gravity itself. My attention falls to Harry. He's flipping through Netflix trying to find a movie for us to watch. "Is The Package alright?" He suggests.

"What's it about?" I question, curious. Noticing a slur on my voice.

"Apparently a teenager who made some poor life choices regarding his dick." Harry states bluntly.

"You had me at 'poor life choices.'" I grin, finding myself incredibly amusing as I shoot Harry finger guns.

"I think someone's high!" Singing the last word as he drags it out, he causes me laugh at myself even more then I already was.

"I thing you're right!" I mimic him, giggling. "Oh my god." I grab hold of his arm suddenly.

"What?" He worries with a deep crease in his eye brows.

"You're so pretty." I stare with wide, enchanted eyes.

"Well, you..." brushing the back of his closed fist against my cheek, "Are beautiful." He tells.

Smiling from ear to ear, "No, you!" I disagree poking his cute little nose.

"We can both be beautiful then." Harry concludes, pulling me closer to his chest as he starts the movie.

About five minutes in, my brain starts to loosen its hold on reality. Nearly convincing me that I'm in the movie with them. Playing out the unfortunate scenarios that unfold before my dry, red eyes. "I feel like I'm in it."

Chuckling softly as he rest his head on his pillow, "Just wait. It'll get even better." He promises.

I'll take you're word for it.

Wait-Did I say that out loud?

Did I say that out loud?

I shake my head a bit attempting to clean the slate of my scrambled mind, only to feel more wobbly and fuzzy in result. That is before my eyes nearly bulge out of my head. "Holy shit! That guy just cut his dick off! What the actual fuck?!" I properly lose my shit.

"Ah ha!" Harry explodes with laughter, slapping his knee dramatically as he rolls over on my lap.

He's so cute when he does his little knee slaps.

"The fuck is happening?!" He chuckles with desperate wonder.

"I. Don't. Know." I admit, rubbing the crease out of my temple. I find myself oddly relaxed by this simple action. As if he read my mind, Harry reaches up and begins to play with my hair. I sink into his touch. This feels so good, I think to myself. I return the favor, running my fingers through the perfect curls swirling near his ears. Once he's comfortably relaxed his arm drops down, replacing its touch on my thigh instead. I love how he always longs to be connected with me by touch, no matter if it's just his hand simply resting on my body.

"Mm," he hums seemingly content. "I love you so much."

Cradling his head to my chest, "I love you so much, baby." I whisper down to him.

He gifts a childish grin before he cuddles closer to my chest. "Boobs are the best pillow."

At first I feel a need to protest but I decide against it. "Can't argue with that." I offer my agreement instead. A few long minutes or perhaps short hours later-don't ask me-I'm down stairs searching for food. "Harry, there's nothing edible down here!" I yell, aiming towards the open door to our bedroom from the kitchen.

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