the time at starbucks

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A week has passed and Arthur and Arabella's paths are yet to collide again. That doesn't mean they haven't both had a sneaking thought about the other, every now and then. In fact, Catarina (always more invested in other peoples' relationships than her own) has demanded constant updates on their situation. She's insistent no matter how many times Arabella tells her sister that there is nothing to update on.

Arabella is wrong, of course. She just doesn't quite realise it yet.

Which is why it's handy - or perhaps more than that; coincidence maybe? fate, even? - that Arabella has decided to visit Starbucks, her favourite place, on the same day that Arthur has arranged a study date with his best friend, Brynn.

He's already inside chatting to Brynn about everything other than their Trigonometry questions. He sips at a chai latte (Arthur isn't much of a coffee person) and nods whilst Brynn recalls the gritty details of her recent break-up.

"She is the coldest bitch on the planet; I can't believe I slept with her, let alone fell in love with her," Brynn says maliciously.

Arthur frowns. "I'm pretty sure you said the same thing two months ago, then a week later you were posting those cute coupley photos on Instagram."

Thankfully, Arthur has just put down his drink because his childhood best friend responds by shoving him in the chest. Despite her height of five foot one, Brynn has some serious strength in her. It takes Arthur considerable amount of skill to prevent himself from toppling off of his chair. Still, he manages to flail around like an idiot for a couple of seconds. After all, it's not Arthur if it's not awkward.

When he's recovered, he goes to glare at Brynn but doesn't get the chance. She's now wearing this smug little smile and leaning close towards him.

"You see that girl behind you?" she says under her breath, trying to act inconspicuous. "She's been gazing all dreamily at you for, like, five minutes straight."

Arthur glances over his shoulder. A redheaded girl is blushing and looking at her book, eyes constantly darting up towards him. He looks back to Brynn.

"How do you know she's not actually looking at you?"

"Arthur, my love, I have told you many times about my impeccable gaydar. I can't believe you wouldn't have faith in me," she says, making Arthur raise an eyebrow at her. "Besides, I tried making eye contact with her and she smiled like Hey I'm smiling at you because I'm a nice person."

"As opposed to...?"

"As opposed to smiling like Hey I'm smiling at you because I want to do you."

Arthur makes a face and Brynn laughs. Then she looks at her latte and back to him.

"Here's the plan," she begins.

"What? What plan?"

"The plan for you to score with the cutie over there, nimwit. You're gonna go up to the stand to get a packet of sugar for my coffee, and you'll make eye contact with her as you head back. Then drop the sugar off here and say hi to her whilst you're standing."

Arthur nods, processing it. He can see why it would work, and the girl is pretty, and chatting her up might be uncomfortable but it still beats his math homework. So he stands up and heads towards the box of sugar packets - and directly into Arabella.

Yes, Arthur Morgenstern doesn't just knock into Arabella Pannone gently. No, he crashes right into her, sending her coffee everywhere and splattering them both. Arabella swears loudly, making no attempt to remain cool and collected for the other customers. She looks down at her white crop top, which is now stained the world's ugliest shade of brown.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to I - Arabella," Arthur says, breathing her name like it's holy. It sort of feels that way in his mouth, even if she's currently staring daggers at him.

"I can't believe this," Arabella sighs as he grabs a bunch of napkins and begins dabbing at her top. When he realises that he's essentially caressing a stranger's boobs, he stops abruptly.

Only they're not strangers, not exactly. Somehow, that makes it worse.

Blushing to the tips of his ears and down his neck, Arthur apologises again. "I'll buy you another drink. What was that one? I'll get it now. Sorry."

Arabella pauses before answering, looking at the boy in front of her intently. How is it that she feels like they almost have a history, yet she doesn't even know his name?

"That was a large Americano, thanks," she replies, voice clipped. Her heart is pounding as though they've just had some intimate moment.

He nods and hurriedly goes to the counter, returning within minutes with a steaming paper cup. She takes it from him, still standing in the exact same spot, unsure, as a Starbucks worker cleans up the mess they've made.

At last, she smiles. With a breathy laugh she says, "Well, you've just bought me a coffee and I don't even know your name."

He smiles bashfully. It is far too adorable, especially since she's supposedly still seething at the fact he ruined her top.

"I'm Arthur and you're Arabella and I believe we've met before," he says.

He smiles then and, of course, it's crooked and gorgeous and the kind of smile they write poems about.

Somebody pushes past them and the pair shuffle to the side, out of the way of the other customers but not at a table either. Arabella can hear her sister's voice in her head telling her to make the most of this opportunity, and she's about to speak when another girl approaches.

Brynn, as Arthur addresses her, bounds towards him. "I gotta go," she says, not even glancing towards Arabella.

Then they hug, and Arabella would laugh at their height difference if it wasn't for her shock.

"Love you!"

"Love you more," Arthur replies, chuckling.

Brynn leaves then and, coffee in hand, Arabella follows moments later.

Catarina picks up on the first ring. "Hey, I was just talking about you to my roommate - what's up?"

"It's Arthur," Arabella says. She gulps down the final dregs of her coffee then chucks the cup towards the corner of her bedroom.


"The boy on the plane, then the bus and now apparently Starbucks, too."

"Ah, yes." On the other end of the phone Catarina laughs. "The boy you have a crush on but insist you don't, I know the one."

"I literally bumped into him today and my coffee went everywhere and he bought me another and told me his name and it sounds pretty lame but he was all flustered and cute."

Arabella can hardly believe these words are coming from her mouth. Seriously, she meets some boy a couple of times and becomes a stereotypical teenage girl who can't stop blathering on about him.

"That's good; why d'you sound mad?"

"Cat, he has a girlfriend!"

♡ ♡ ♡

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