headphones - dick grayson

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The music in your headphones were blasting at levels that you knew would make you deaf a little too early in life, but personally, you were enjoying yourself a little too much to really care.

After all, didn't everyone tell you to live life in the moment? Sure, usually they weren't implying that you needed to destroy your health and hearing in order to accomplish that, but anyways - you were enjoying your little session of listening to music and casually tapping through your phone.

Or you were, until someone had the audacity to take your headphones right off of your head.

Your reaction of hey! was met with an obnoxious laugh from Dick as he slid them over his own ears, much to your chagrin.

"This is what you were listening to?" he asked, avoiding your attempts at smacking him to get the headphones back with perfect ease. "This is why you were ignoring me while I was tryna talk to you for the past five minutes-"

"You weren't even here!" You protested loudly as you were forced to actually set your phone down and think about moving from the couch to get them. You could never get a break these days. "I literally didn't even see you!"

"I was right over there across from the armchair!" he insisted in return, and you finally let out a very deep sigh as you pushed yourself out of your seat. You would return, after you took your rightful property back from your jerk of a boyfriend you totally hadn't ignored. On purpose. "I was trying to talk to you about going out, 'cus I got a day off tomorrow-" Dick laughed and dodged another one of your attempts to steal them back. "-and I thought you'd be into the idea, but I guess not-"

"I am into the idea!" Attempting to yank his arm down with just your incredible brute strength and sheer power clearly wasn't working. The guy's biceps were made of steel or something. Little perks of being an acrobat. "Just not while you steal my stuff-"

"What's mine is yours and what's yours in mine, babe," he told you with infuriating serenity as he evaded yet another one of your brilliant tactics to grab them back. "And sharing is caring - you have some interesting songs in this playlist."

"We can't all listen to 80′s boybands, can we-"

"That's what Babs thinks I listen to!" he protested with a groan, grin breaking for just a second as he pressed a hand to his head. Alas, he didn't break long enough for you to get them, blocking your hands just before you could touch the headphones. Victory had been so close, yet so far away. "Ha, nice try - and for the record, I don't know why she thinks 80′s boybands are the music to my soul-"

"I heard you listening to New Kids on the Block last week!"

"It was a moment of weakness!" he repeated insistently for the five-hundredth time since the incident had taken place, groaning yet again while his face flushed pink. "You weren't supposed to see that!"

"Dick, I've seen your 80′s boyband playlist on Spotify, you don't have to keep denying it," you deadpanned, actually pausing from your endeavor for a second to give him a disbelieving look.

"What?" Clearly, this was news to him, because he paused from trying to dart away from you as well. "When?"

"You made it a public playlist."

"What?" The shock in his voice and the way his eyes widened actually made you almost laugh. "No way - there's no way I - dammit!"

You had managed to back him all the way up to the side of the sofa, surprising him with a push that landed him smack on his back across it, allowing you to let out a triumphant laugh of victory before climbed over him and took back what was rightfully yours. The headphones were still blaring when you moved to set them over your ears, scrambling back up before he could get you back for it.

"So long, Gray - hey!" He yanked you right back on top of him before you could make your grand exit, laughing his ass off while you attempted to scowl and push your hair out of your face. "Seriously? You couldn't just let me have this one?"

"Nope," he answered with a cheeky grin, hands still resting against your hips as he tugged you forward into a kiss. You couldn't try to stay mad at him after that, and you knew he knew that as well as you did. "But maybe next time, babe. Y'know, you really almost had me there for a sec."

"I did have you," you corrected with a grin yourself as you turned off your music, letting the headphones fall around your neck. "I totally had you, you just got lucky right now."

"Oh yeah? Is that what you really think?"


"Then you're right, you did have me," he admitted, causing you to laugh again. "Hey, I can admit defeat! I'm a great sport like that."

"Sure you are."

"I am!" He rested one arm behind his head, making himself a little more comfortable as he looked up at you again. "And how about that date night tomorrow? If you're still listening to me, that is-"

"I am listening," you insisted with a groan, eliciting a grin from him. "And sure. I guess I could hang out with you since I don't have anything else to do-"

"Else to do - like what? Ignoring your other boyfriends?"

"Exactly." He was laughing again when he pulled you in for another kiss.

"Got it, thanks for making room for me in your oh-so busy schedule. Tomorrow it is." You hummed in response, brushing his hair out of his face as you looked back at him with a slight smile.

"It's a date."

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