My blood is black?

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Katherine's POV
I wake up to hear someone yelling my name and tears falling on my cheeks. "Teddy?" Max says. "Max," I whisper. Arms wrap around me and I open my eyes. The entire raid party is staring at the two of us. "Back off!" says a little voice coming from my shoulder, "She's my meister!" Max let's go of me, glancing down at me and jumping back. I follow his gaze to see a girl on my shoulder. "What does meister mean?" I ask. "Master. I am your weapon, Ragnarock, though I prefer you call me Rocky!" She pipes, smiling up at me. "Hi Rocky. I'm Teddy and this is Max!" I say, "How long was I out?" "Ten minutes. The entire raid party waited for you to wake up," he says,"Why did you use the demon sword? You know the risks!" "Hey! Why don't you ask me? I am said demon sword!" says Rocky, still sitting on my shoulder. "Ok, but let's do it in private," Max says. Rocky nods then a different voice pipes up from the back of the room, "Why? Why did you let Diabel die?" "Let him die?" asks Kirito. "Yes! You knew what attack pattern the boss would use. Both of you did! If you had been straight with us from the start, he wouldn't have died!" The voice replies. "They must be beta testers!" says the boy to his right. I sigh, about to speak up, when Kirito starts to laugh a maniacal laugh, "You think we're beta testers. Please. Don't group us with those newbies. Most of the 1000 people chosen to be in the beta were total noobs. Even you guys are better than them. No. Me and Teddy don't want to be grouped in with them. During the beta, me and her made it higher than anyone else. The only reason we knew the boss's sword skills is because we fought tons of monsters with better sword skills on the levels above us." The dood looks even madder, "That's worse than a beta tester. That's cheating!" "They're beta testers and cheaters. They're beaters!" another voice says. "Beaters, I like it," I say, "How about you Kirito?" "Ok. You can call us beaters. Don't group us in with those other beta testers anymore," he says. He opens his menu at the same time as me. We both equip the coat of midnight at the same time. He sheathes his blades and I just let Rocky sit on my shoulder. I get up and walk over to Kirito. "C'mon Kirito. Let's get to floor two," I say. He nods and we begin to walk up the stairs. Asuna and Max run over to us. "I'm coming too!" says Max. "Me as well," Asuna states. "Guys you should stay here. You can become powerful on your own, but if anyone you trust ever invites you to join a guild, accept it," Kirito says. "Teddy I won't let you leave without me!" Max says. I close my eyes and sigh. "Max. If you choose to follow me I won't stop you, but know if you choose this path it will be harder," I say. "I'm coming!" Asuna says beside me, "I'm not letting the two most powerful people in the game leave without me if I can help it!" "I'm not leaving you Teddy," Max says. "Ok. Well. Be careful," Kirito says, opening the warp gate to the second floor.
Lying down in my bed after finishing off the monsters surrounding the warp gate on floor two, I close my eyes. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" I say. Kirito, Asuna, and Max come into my room. Asuna has taken off her cloak and I can see her long red hair. She is very pretty. "Hey Teddy. Can we know more about the demon sword?" asks Asuna. "Yeah. I was just about to ask Rocky," I say. "Yes mommy?" Rocky says. "Mommy?" I ask. "Well yes. When you equipped me, your personality and kind heart created who I am. I was supposed to be this mean monster, but for some reason your kindness over rode my coding. So you created me. Wouldn't that make you my mommy?" Rocky says. "I guess it would. Ok Rocky. I'm your mommy," I say. "And Max is my daddy!" Everyone in the room turns to look at Rocky dumb-founded. "The only reason you equipped me was to save him ,and you have feelings for him," Rocky says. I blush really hard and so does Max. "He has feelings for you too!" she finishes. "Ok well. That was awkward, but anyway, Rocky tell us about the demon sword and your power," Kirito says. "Ok. Well the demon sword isn't a weapon in a way. It starts out just a regular sword, but once someone equips it and uses it, it becomes a part of its meister. When mommy first grabbed me and used me as her weapon, when she finally stopped, the sword was incarnated into her blood. Her blood turned black as a result of this. Me and mommy are always going to be together. The sword in all actuality is very very powerful, but it is also harming to its meister. Over time, the blood will begin to cause you to go insane unless you fight it. It will find any doubt or flaw in you and use it to break you. I can't control that. I'm sorry, but the demon sword does have many special abilities. You saw two of them at the boss fight. Since her blood is the sword, each drop of her blood can be used as a weapon. Bloody needle shoots some of her blood out as a dagger impaling its target. Another one is screaming resonance. This allows mommy and me to connect to each other. I can control her blood so that it creates vibrations through out her entire body. It makes the sword ten times stronger. That is all I know right now," Rocky says. "What do you mean all I know right now?" asks Asuna. "When mommy uses a new sword skill special to the demon sword it unlocks the knowledge of that ability to me. Mommy already knows all of the abilities names in the back of her mind, but can't clearly see them or understand them until she uses them and I get the info," Rocky replies. "Ok, thanks for clearing that up!" Asuna says. "Hey, can you guys give me and Teddy a minute alone?" Max asks. Kirito and Asuna nod. "I'm sorry. I just can't control it. From the first moment I met you I liked you! I didn't want to be alone in this world. I should've just told you so that you could've had the chance to make other fri-" I say, but Max pressing his lips to mine cuts me off. He pulls away and says, "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that. I like you too Teddy!" He pulls me into a hug, "I was so happy when you asked me to go with you that first day! If you hadn't, I would've been all alone in this world." I pull out of his embrace and smile. "I'm going to sleep. It's been a long day," I say. He nods curtly and turns to leave, but I grab his wrist to stop him. "Don't leave me. Don't leave me all alone in this world," I say. "I would never leave you," he says back. He lays down beside me on the bed. I close my eyes and sigh of content at the warmth of his arms wrapped around me, protecting me from anything that wants to hurt me.

Black Blood (SAO fanfic w/ Soul Eater aspects)Where stories live. Discover now