We only need two beds

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Katherine's POV
It was early when I first opened my eyes the next morning. Max was asleep next to me so I quietly got out of bed and went down to the little kitchen in the condo that the four of us rented. On my way there, I sneak a peek in the bedrooms as I walk by. Max's was empty, as was expected since he was in my bed, but so was Asuna's. When I look in Kirito's room I see Asuna and Kirito, both sound asleep, laying with their foreheads touching and Kirito has an arm lain around her waist, as if to protect her. I silently aww in my head and quietly back out of the room and continue on my journey to the kitchen. As I arrive, I begin to cook some eggs and bacon. Today we would be working on clearing out some of the original monsters on this floor. The originals are harder to beat, so it is best if elite players take them out, opening up the hunting grounds for lower-level players when it is safe. By the time breakfast is ready, the other three sit at the table. "I think we should rent a different condo," I say. "Why?" asks Kirito, taking a sip of his drink. "Because we only need two beds," I say. The blush on all three of their faces was very prominent and Kirito spits out his drink. I laugh at their extent. "Hey guys. I have a weird question," Max says. I raise my eyebrows at him questioningly. "Well, you know how people who are married share an inventory right. So if someone was to marry Teddy, then they could have access to the demon-sword. Right?" Max says. "Not quite!" Rocky says. Appearing in the chair beside him. He jumps and stares at her with a 'did you really just do that' look. "The demon-sword isn't an object anymore. It is a part of Teddy's body. It isn't even registered as an object in her inventory anymore. See?" Rocky says, pulling up my inventory and showing the group. "Hey, Rocky. What kind of access do you have to the system?" I ask. "I can only do certain things. I don't have admin privileges, I can just see the data of all players," she says. I nod, "Ok well. Eat up guys. We have a long day ahead of us!"
The clashing of weapons fills the plain as the assault team kills all of the originals. Kirito swinging with his dual blades, Asuna's sword slashing faster than lightning, and Max standing his ground trying to not be a burden on his party members. I turn back to the monster I am fighting. I swing Ragnarock at its feet causing it to jump up. While it is still in midair, I impale it with the demon-sword. I turn around to battle another monster when I see Max's blade get hit up. It lands a few feet from him, but the three monsters surrounding him don't give him a chance to grab it. They swing, the full force of the impact knocking him toward his blade. He lays crumpled in a heap. The one closest to him lifts up his blade to deliver the final blow. I take off sprinting. It feels like time has slowed down and I reach the other side of the battlegrounds in record speed. "Rocky! Demon-Savior!" I shout. Rocky appears next to Max on the ground. Now weapon less, I continue to charge toward the wolfmen. As I run past Max's sword, I slit my wrist on the blade causing the black blood to flow from the wound. "Blood Bender!" I shout. I straighten out my fingers and the blood flowing from my wound hovers in the air instead of falling to the ground. I leap over the monster closest to Max and do a somersault in the air drawing my hand out like a knife and willing my blood to cut through its torso. I don't look back to see if it's worked. I raise my arms, stopping my motion, and get in a balanced stance. My blood, not flowing from the wound which has already closed up, hovers in front of me. Raising my arm in the air, I slowly begin to close my fist. As it reaches the top, I bring it down across my body, straightening out my fingers and closing them once the swing is finished as to not hurt others. The monsters shimmer and shake before exploding into what appears like a million shards of glass. I relax my hand and my blood falls to the ground, staining the dirt black. I drop to my knees and try to maintain my grip on reality as my vision blurs and wavers. Unable to stay upright any longer, I face plant into the dirt, letting the darkness surround me once more.

Black Blood (SAO fanfic w/ Soul Eater aspects)Where stories live. Discover now