Welcome to my world

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Katherine's POV
The day has finally come. The beta ended last week and now the official day of launch for the game Sword Art Online is finally here. "Mom! I'm going online for a few hours! I'll be back by 8!" I yell out my door and to my mom downstairs. "Ok honey. Have fun!" She replies. I grab my Nervegear out of my drawer, where it has been for the past week since the beta ended, and put it on. I lie down on my bed and close my eyes. "Link start!" I say. A bright white light fills my vision and the parameters for sensory connections are checked. "Would you like to use the data from your beta test or create a new profile?" asks the automated voice in charge of player connection. "The data from my beta," I reply. For a second, the sensation of falling runs through my veins, but then the Town of Beginnings comes into view. The square is already filled with people, rushing around and buying weapons. I move from the crowd and start to head toward the fields when a hand grabs my arm. "Hey, you look like you know your way around! You're a beta tester aren't you?" says the boy who is still gripping my arm. "Y-Yeah. I am. Why?" I ask. "Well, you see..." he says trailing off,"I'm new to the game. I was just wondering if you could give me a few tips?" I give him a once over. His dark brown hair sticks out at all angles. His jawline is defined and toned. Even hidden under his clothes I can see his finely toned muscles, but the most prominent aspect of his avatar is his eyes. They are and icy blue, and, although this would not seem significant to most people, the same shade as my eyes IRL. "Sure! Follow me. What's your name by the way?" I ask. "Max. It isn't a very interesting name, but it's important to me," he replies. "I like it. My name is Teddy," I tell him. "Ok. Thanks for the help Teddy!" He says. "Your welcome Max," I reply, turning around and motioning for him to follow.
After a few hours of teaching and fighting, I'm laying down in the grass next to Max. "I gotta go," I say, "My mom is expecting me back before 8." "Ok. Well thanks again for the help. Here let me friend you!" He says, sending me a friend request. After accepting, I open up my menu and scroll to the logout button. The only thing was that it wasn't there. I feel the familiar sensation of teleportation and grab Max's hand so that we will stay together. "What just happened?" asks Max. "The logout button is missing from the menu. Something isn't right about this," I reply, looking up toward the darkening sky and the figure floating in front of it. "Welcome to my world!" says the figure. "I'm sure most of you have noticed that the logout button is missing from your menu. This is not a mistake. I repeat. This is not a mistake. This is a key feature of Sword Art Online. You can not logout from the game in any way. If someone on the outside should try to attempt to take off your Nervegear, the system will send out microwaves frying your brain and thus ending your life. The only way to make it out of this game is to make it through Aincrad and beat Sword Art Online. Though remember that there is no way to revive a fallen player, and if or when you die, the Nervegear will simultaneously destroy your brain. To put this in simpler terms is that if your HP reaches zero, you will die in real life. In addition I have given you all a present. Please see for yourselves," he says. I open my inventory and equip the item. 'A mirror?' I think to myself when I hear Max's scream. Before I can turn to see what is wrong a blinding blue light is surrounding me. When the bright light is gone, everyone around me has transformed. Where Max once stood is a shorter, less toned boy, but his eyes are the same and his hair is the color of mine in real life. "Max?" I ask. "Teddy?" He says. I look back in the mirror to see my teal hair and icy blue eyes staring back at me. "That evil-genius. He scanned our faces and had us calibrate to get our body types. That's pretty smart!" I exclaim. Max stares at me confused. "The Nervegear surrounds your head with sensors so it was probably pretty easy to get our faces, but when we calibrated he got our body types too. I admire his brilliant idea," I say. "Now your probably wondering why. Why would Kayaba Akihiko do this? My goal has been achieved. To create this world and interfere with it, but before I go I am going to tell you of how you can conquer this world. In this game there are many skills. Four people will battle me as the final boss. The person with the skill dual-wielding, the person with the skill lightning flash, the person with the skill streaming information, and the demon swordsman. Now I bid you all farewell." Kayaba says before disappearing as fast as he came. Screams of horror rise up from the crowd around me. I grab Max's wrist and drag him out of the crowd and down the alley. "Max, I'm heading to the next town. Soon everything around here will be hunted to oblivion. I want you to come with me." I say. He stands speechless for a while staring into my eyes. "Your eyes. They look just like mine!" He says, suddenly snapping out of his daze. "Yes they are. Now we have to go. Are you coming or not?" I ask. He stares at my outstretched arm then firmly grasps my hand. "Let's go!" He exclaims.

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