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"I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called Yellow"

Draco would write.

He had a journal from when he was younger.

He wrote about his first days at Hogwarts.

Now he writes about a boy.

A boy who he loves so much.

Draco writes about all the things he loves about Harry.

Because if he doesn't, and he's gone, who's going to tell him how much he loved him?

Draco wanted Harry to know how much he meant.

Writing was easier for Draco.

It was easier for him to express how he really feels.

Harry Potter.
I could write pages about him.
He asked me why the stars remind me of him and I said "Because even in the darkest times, he still manages to shine the brightest."
Because that's what he does.
He makes people happy.
He makes me happy.
He makes me the happiest man in the world.
And one day, he's going to make me the luckiest man in the world.
To sum up Harry Potter is the love of my life, the reason I smile, and the reason I'm still here.

yellow [drarry]Where stories live. Discover now