Stay Here, Keep Watch

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Summary: 'Even after hearing him say it, Hange was nonetheless dumbstruck at what she was witnessing. A panic attack? Him? She could hardly believe it. But there he was, humanity's strongest reduced to a trembling puddle of nerves and sweat.'

In which Hange realizes even humanity's strongest has his weak moments and Levi makes the decision to trust her while he's at his most vulnerable.

It was late, and Hange had assumed she was the only one still roaming around. She often walked the halls after a long day, and the heavy rain beating relentlessly that night served as a soothing, cleansing reprieve from the usual ambience. That was, until a crash from another room froze her to the spot. She stilled herself and listened. The muffled swearing of a familiar voice came from nearby. Something was different about it, however. It was distressed.

She slammed through the doorway that led to a small kitchen where she was sure the noise had come from. She stopped dead at what she saw.

It was Levi, slowly pulling himself up from the floor, a white-knuckle grip on the corner of the table. There was a shattered cup of tea at his feet. He shot her a glance of absolute terror before his knees buckled beneath him.


She was at his side in an instant. His gasps rushed passed her ear as she frantically tried to gather him in her arms. His neck was slick with a cold sweat as he struggled to speak through his ragged breathing.

"I can't ears are ringing..."

"You're okay, I've got you. I'll get a doctor."

"No, It's nothing. Just go."

Hearing his voice so weak and frightened genuinely scared Hange.

"Nothing my ass! You're having a fit or something. A seizure? Cardiac arrest?"

"None of that, you dumb four-eyed — "

"What's happening, Levi? Tell me!"

"Damn it to hell, Hange! It's a panic attack, alright?! Leave me alone!"

He was starting to shake, losing the last of his strength that kept him from hitting the ground. Hange kneeled down with him the rest of the way to prevent him from hurting himself. Even after hearing him say it, Hange was nonetheless dumbstruck at what she was witnessing. A panic attack? Him? She could hardly believe it. But there he was, humanity's strongest reduced to a trembling puddle of nerves and sweat.

"Try to breathe deeply," said Hange, doing her best to keep her tone level and calm. "Focus only on that. These things don't last long."

"Easy for you to say, stupid four-eyes," he spat. He was hyperventilating, face a sickening shade of white as he clutched his abdomen. "My stomach...feels like it's being twisted in two."

"Are you gonna be sick?"

"Shut up, dammit!"

Hange knew not to take it personally. He wasn't angry. He was terrified. Keeping a firm grasp on his arm, she remained a silent support as the panic took its course.

After several agonizingly long minutes, Levi's breathing began to even out. The shaking ceased. Hange kept her hold on him as he slowly sat up. Dazed, he stared at the broken glass below him.

"Damn...what a mess..."

Hange's blood turned to ice. "Levi, your hand."

A shard of broken cup had sliced a red curve across his palm. Blood soaked his entire hand and stained the edge of his sleeve's cuff with bright red blotches. What little color left in Levi's glistening face drained.

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