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“ALRIGHT YOU CAN hand me your sketchbook and I’ll add some details or check them” Mars offered both of his hands as the students close there sketchpads an stood up to give him there sketchbook.

The nervous and embarrassment faces where displayed at there faces when they passed there sketchbook although Mars couldn’t see there faces, he could feel them, “Its fine I wont make fun of them, it’s a beginners drawing after all. In the meantime you will know how to draw”

“But…Our styles of drawing are different…” One student commented as he handed his sketchbook, stacking them on top as Mars smiled, “That’s the point, if that’s what your comfortable in making your art then that’s it, what wrong with that? As long as your comfortable and your style”

Hearing that Bleu looked at him, “Your quiet thoughtful” He stated as Mars looked at him and smirked, “I’m just being a good teacher” Bleu shake his head as he watched all the student gave there sketchpad stacking them one by one until they completely left.

“Bleu thank you for being here, junior students just find you really attractive” She smiled as Bleu lightly laugh, “It’s fine”

“Well then I’ll get going, Mars?”

“Yeah, I’ll stay a bit and check these” He patted at the stack of sketchpad she nodded before walking away leaving the two on the ground, Bleu carefully touched his head and felt the flowers still stuck in his hair. It didn’t bother him since Mars was careful not to poke his scalp to make his irritated.

He looked beside him to see Mars putting the stack of sketchpad beside him before turning his head at him, he point at the flowers in his head, “Aren’t you gonna remove that?”

“Its not irritating me, maybe later” He said as Mars nodded letting the gentle wind blew passed them, “Do you still have time? We can talk a bit” Mars suggestively asked as Bleu checked the time in his watch, “I do”

Mars flashed a smile then sat comfortably as Bleu pursed his lips waiting for him to talk, “So, how are you? After last night?” He asked as Bleu thought about it. “It was fine, I mean it’s a good thing we went home cause an hour later my maid checked my room”

Mars rose a brow, “Your maid checked at you every night?” He asked feeling suspicious as Bleu nodded, “Well my grandma did tell them if they wake up they also need to check if I’m still working so that they could remind me I need to go to bed” He answered as Mars chuckled.

“Good enough, well also a relief” He blew a breath, “My mom scolded the me since it was midnight but let me sleep after that”

“Your mom is still awake at that time?” Mars hummed as the two of them went silent again, the wind and the chattering of students in the background were the only sounds they heard.

Mars poke the inside of his cheek and asked again, “By the way, about the painting that your dad requested”

“What is it?”

“Does he have a certain taste in paintings? Like you know styles? Is it water color effects or clean or messy or I don’t know…” He asked as Bleu shake his head, “Anything is fine as long as the back ground is white, he loved it when there’s a white background and only focuses of the center or model”

“Oh wow, well now that you said it I can start working on it next week,” He stated as Bleu got curious, “Are you gonna pull it off? I mean it’s a pretty big painting”

Mars smirked and proudly said, “I’ve been painting since I was a kid so it’s a piece of cake, as long as I know the persons taste then I’m up for it” Bleu just shake his head at it with a smile.

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