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TWO WEEKS HAD passed and it was time for the both of them too come home, the both of them bid there goodbye’s to Mira who didn’t forgot to tell Bleu to visit Paris more often as Bleu smiled telling her he will.

The both of them were currently walking at the airport, dragging there luggage with them as Mars had a face mask on since he easily sneezed, “Are you sure you don’t need anything?” Bleu asked seeing how red his nose was as Mars pulled up his mask higher.

“No need to worry about me pretty,” He sneezed again and let out an annoying groan, “Just sit there and I’ll wash my fac—achoo!” He grumbled under his breath as Bleu chuckled at him, the both of them put there luggage in a waiting area where there plane was.

Bleu took a sit in one of the seat and put the luggage in front of them to make sure there secure, “You can go to the bathroom, I’ll take care of this” He patted the luggage as Mars nodded, sneezing again. He remembered that Mars easily sneezed when there were dust.

He did remembered blowing a handful of flour in his face causing him to sneeze non-stop, snapping out of his thought Mars had already left, he could hear another sneeze from him. He chuckled as he disappeared at his sight.

Bleu then started waiting at the announcement of there plane as he checked his phone to pass the time, making sure to put both of his hands at the two luggage. As he was scrolling through the articles, he saw his mom’s picture.

His eyes focused at the article, it was one of the latest. A picture of his mom in stage, announcing that she’ll handle her the company, she didn’t mention about the deal that they made because he was hell sure that can be used as an advantage.

They had there conversation before and that for him to be given a year to decide what he will do for a living, if he found his interest then his mother will completely handle the work but if he wants to handle the company then she’ll gladly give it to him.

Even though she’s handling it temporarily they had there deal and that’s up to him. He pursed his lips as he read the article, including his marriage and his mother saving him. He was also surprise when she personally announced to hand Samantha the position of her dad’s company.

Speaking of which, he was wondering how the girl was doing. He hadn’t seen her after the measurement of the tux and gown.

As he read the article the more his mind process the issue, for the pass two weeks he had been thinking about what he will do for his future, and he was certain about his decision. There’s no turning bac since he finally decided what to do.

Bleu was too engrossed at looking at the article and thinking about his plans that he didn’t even realized that Mars had already came back with a slightly red nose, the sneezing eventually stopped. He saw Bleu sitting on the same spot he left him as he stared intensely at his phone.

He didn’t even realized he had sat next to him, Mars lean over to see what made him too distracted and saw the article, even he was surprise, “Wait your mother is handling the company now?” He asked  as Bleu snapped out of his thought and looked at him.

“When did you—”

“Just now, now is this true?” He pointed at the article as Bleu nodded, “She handled it” He confirmed as Mars hummed and read the article, “There’s also an article about your cancelled wedding” Now that he mention it Bleu quickly shut his phone.

“I’m not talking about that” He announced full of seriousness as Mars chuckled silently beside him, “Well I’m not even planning on talking about it”

“Thanks” Bleu sighed in relief as he rested his back on seat as he looked at the huge screen in front of them, displaying the schedule and departure of each planes. “We did agree on something” He announced as Mars turn to him, “And that is?”

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