Meeting my Royal Family

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Waking up with a growl I heard bags and boxes falling to the floor. I peeled my eyes open and checking my phone for the time, it is only 4:30 a.m. I turn my head towards the noise, I groan seeing Nicolas moving his stuff into my apartment. I sit up leaning back on my elbows and glare at him. "Really? This couldn't have waited?" He went over to the bed, and he laid next to me kissing me on my forehead. "I have to possibly work late tonight. I figured this was the best time." Holding me in his arms he stated he knows he cannot sleep at night without me. I curl up in his arm's deciding to get up for the day. Helping him unpack while he moved his items and clothes in. He brought the boxes in and I unpacked them. One of the items I pulled out was a teddy wolf stuffed animal dressed like a Royal Knight. I laughed when I saw it, it looks like you didn't need me after all I hold onto his stuffed animal which looked worn from years of cuddling. Nicolas tried to take it from looking determined to get it back. Nicolas stands there with his arms crossed, "What? Are you jealous of Lance?" I hug Lance close to my chest stating, "Lance is now my new cuddle buddy to replace you, after all he is a knight in shining armor." I heard a loud growl ruminating from Nicolas's chest. I laughed and ran to the bathroom with Lance trying to lock the door behind me, but Nicolas was too fast, and bear hugged me around my arms and waist, lifting me onto the bed. Grabbing Lance and pinning me to the bed. "No one or thing replaces me. You are mine!" Then he jumps off the bed and runs away with Lance. I point at him threatening, "Watch your back Nicolas, Lance will be mine!" We quit playing around and managed to put everything away. Including several games systems and games. We both leave for warrior training.

Did I say my bodyguards are back? If I had to have them everywhere I went I was going to have fun. At breakfast I snuck mustard into their orange juice. It was such a riot seeing them spit it out and nearly missing the Alpha as he passed by. I look innocently at them asking, "What's wrong your orange juice is bad?" Trying not to crack up laughing. "My orange juice tastes amazing." Funny thing is they started to smell their food making certain I did not taint it. I could not help but laugh so hard. The bodyguards glared at me. I quit laughing and smiled "Don't worry your food is fine." They start to chow down looking up at me. I winked at them, for some reason with my wink they spat out their food. I seriously did not do anything to their food. I did not say I didn't put a spell on their waters, all it did was turn their skin a dark blue. It would be gone in 24 hours. As we walked out of the chow hall people were staring and giggling. The guards had no clue their face was a different color. They saw me to each of my classes. I found out they had mates and pups. That only mated males and she-wolves could guard an unmated she-wolf. I argued with them it better be the same with males that are unmated. This was sexist with a capital "S". I had the guards take me to go get a full-length mirror. After that we head towards the Witches house. Guess who comes strolling towards us, yep you got it Nicolas. He smiles at me and then looks horrified at the guards. I can tell he is trying to be upset with me however I can tell he is suppressing a laugh. He tells the guards to go look in the window at their reflection. I could hear a gasp and then a growl. He lets them go letting them know he was taking over. He turns to me with a half scowl. "You have to respect them and quit playing pranks on the." I said, "Look at it this way their pups will happy thinking the Smurfs have come to visit." When the guards had turn to take their leave, Nicolas also noticed the signs on their back that stated, "Please take my game system" He then mind-linked them to take the signs off their back. Shaking his head Nicolas stated maybe you need a job in the pack so you will quit abusing my men. He looks at me, "Where are we headed?" I grin with a sly smile, "My favorite class, spells, magic, and potions." I see him wincing and shaking his head. He takes my mirror and carries it for me to the Witches house. He looks at me quizzically and I state, "it is for magical FaceTime."

In the Witches house the Witches all bear their necks to Nicolas as he is the future Alpha. I will not let them do that to me. He acknowledges them and lets them know to be at ease.

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