Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Charlotte's POV

I opened my eyes and first thing I see is Justin. I freaked out for a micro second, but I realized he was fully clothed so, there's no way anything that shouldn't happen between us happened last night.

I let out a sigh and looked around his room. It was actually pretty neat.

I looked over at him, he was sound asleep still, looking so peaceful and relaxed. His hair looked so fluffy and soft... and shiny. I wanted to touch it so bad.

As I kept staring at him, and taking in every single detail of his face, I started remembering last night, all the stupid things I said, and did. Now I have to face him. This is humiliating. I shouldn't had gotten drunk, I wasn't planning on doing so, but I forgot how lightweight I am and got carried away.

Fuck, I fell asleep with my makeup on! My face feels nasty. I'm so going to break out.

I let out a deep breath and searched for my phone.

I had a couple messages but I only answered one, my mommy. I let her know where I was and went on social media.

I opened the app and instantly was greeted by hundreds of notifications. I checked my mentions and saw that I was tagged repeatedly on one picture so I clicked on it. It was me and Justin last night. There were a few different shots; me sitting in his lap, me against some wall while he's hovering over me, and then us leaving together. This looks out of context.

I wonder if scooter has seen them already. And what he thinks about it.

I placed my phone down and looked at Justin again. After a few minutes of staring at him I decided on waking him up. He already knows everything I feel for him, acting different now it's stupid.

"Jay." I whispered. "Justin..."

He moved his head and swallowed. "Bieber!" I whispered.

Maybe I should just let him sleep. I sighed and turned my back towards him but still snuggled close to him. He scooted closer to me and laid his head on my shoulder. I looked at him and he still had his eyes closed.

"Jay?" I whispered.

"Go back to sleep." He mumbled as he placed his arm over my hips. I silently laughed and put my hand over his. I looked down at our hands and got a glimpse at his tattoo of me.

I felt something vibrate against me and I widened my eyes, getting scared about it. I looked back and realized it must've been Justin's phone. He must've received a message. It vibrated once again and then it began ringing.

"Fucking hell." Justin whispered in his raspy voice. He got his phone out and looked over at the screen, letting us both see who it was; Maejor.

"Hello?" He answered as he put his phone on against his ear. "What is it man?"

"Yeah, she is with me."

"No." He clicked his tongue in annoyance and said "No man. She just slept over. That's it."

"Mind your own business."

"Well, tell Scooter to reschedule." "I still haven't woken up."

"I'll meet him later today then."

He ended the call and went back to his previous position, resting his head on my shoulder as he held onto me, but checking his notifications. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate but, I was reading his messages as well.

You missed the breakfast meeting and I saw the candids with Charlotte, everything okay?

Where you at kid?
You missed the meeting

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