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As time goes by, Justin seems healthier and to be getting pass this. He's moving on.

On the other hand, I can't stop thinking about him.

I miss him, I'm miserable without him.

I've seen the pictures online, he's been spending time with her, with that girl.

Apparently, they are vacationing at Dominican Republic for the holidays.

They do look good together, I'm not going to lie.

And he's happy! He's with his family and her. That's all I see on my feed.

"Stop looking at them." Cameron said and took my phone away. "What else am I supposed to look at? It's all over the internet!" I said. "Then don't use the internet." He said. "What am I supposed to do?!" I said. "I don't know, watch tv." He said.

I groaned and turned on the tv. I looked for the Netflix app and looked for a show I haven't watched, which seems like mission impossible.

"Hey, what are we going to do tonight?"  He asked.

"What do you think? We're probably going to Ashley's like we always do." I said. "Chill." He said. "Shut up." I said.

"There's nothing good here!" I groaned. I turned it off and threw the remote to the other sofa.

I pushed Cameron with my feet and said "I'm gonna take a nap." "Fine." He said annoyed. "No, no! Actually, stay here!" I said and pulled on his hand. He sighed and sat down. "No, come here! You have to hold me like this!" I said as I showed him how Justin used to hold me.

I turned around and buried my head on his chest, trying to block all the lights. "Go to sleep." He said as he started to play with my hair.

Sleeping was the only thing that made me feel better, that way I didn't have to face reality. However, it was really hard to fall asleep, all I could think about when I closed my eyes was him with her. It's the same thing every night, I think about him for the majority of the time, then I try to make-up a scenario in my head where I'm still with him and we live together at our house... and we're just happy.

But today I can't get my mind of them together. Those pictures are getting the best of me.

I know that technically it's not my place anymore, but I just can't help but wonder...
I used to be so insecure about Hailey, and he always promised me they were just friends, and I trusted him. But seeing them together now made me question everything.

Did he lie to me? Have they always had something between them or is this new? Is he just using her to forget me? Does he actually like her?

I mean, what's not to like? Look at her. She's thin, she's blonde, she's tan, she models, she comes from a famous and wealthy family...

She's everything I'm not.

I opened my eyes and looked up at Cameron.

My heart was racing so fast by just thinking about them, and my chest hurt so much. I can't sleep, I can't stay still. I need something to distract myself.

"What's wrong?" Cam asked as he looked at me with worry. I looked away from his eyes and stared at the wall behind us as my mind kept racing, making me question more and more.

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