Chapter Fourty Nine

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Justin's POV

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Justin's POV

"Are you sure she's coming?" Ryan asked.

I sighed and snapped "Yes. She said she's coming." "She'll be here."

"alright dude. Chill."

"Hey hun." my mom said as she walked towards me. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Where's Charlotte?" she asked.

"She should be on her way." I said as I checked my phone for any messages from her. She had a departmental test, which meant it was at night, which is why she's late.

She's been preparing for weeks for this test, which means i've barely talked to her. I too am starting to question wether she'll show up or not.

I'm not going to lie, I have been reflecting upon our situation... it's been hard. I hate how hard it is to see her, I barely get to talk to her anymore, and I understand the reason why, I know she's studying, but it still stings a little. I've become obsessed with my phone, I just sit there all day waiting to receive a text from her, or a call, which rarely happens anymore.

The last time i came here i stayed for a week, I saw her a few times but, she was busy most of the time. Now, although it feels like a year to me, it's been a month since i've seen her, and everyone doubts on wether Charlotte will show up or not was making me question it myself.

I made everyone come this way for this dinner just so Charlotte could be present, it would be embarrassing if after everyone went through y'all this trouble she didn't show up.

I felt Ryan tap on my shoulder, making me turn around, and I saw her walk in. I smiled as a sense of relief washed over me after seeing her. She was now awkwardly saying hi to Yael and Scooter, then her eyes made contact with mine and I sent her a smile.

She excused herself and then ran towards me, jumping on top of me. I grabbed onto her and let out a chuckle.

"Happy Birthday!" She squealed and pecked my lips. "Im sorry I took so long." she said as i set her down on the floor.

"It's okay." I said as I pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"Oh gosh, hi!" she said as she acknowledged my mom's presence and gave her a warm hug.

"Where's Ariana?" Brandon asked.

Charlotte looked at him confused and placed her hands on her hips. "I don't know?"

"She wasn't with you?"

"No. I was taking a test. I just got out and went to get ready.""I haven't talked to her all week actually."

Brandon nodded and walked out of the room.

"Let's get going kids. Scooter texted me, he's waiting for us." Mom said.

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