Chapter 1

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It was getting closer to the next Great Conjunction with every trine that passed on the planet of Thra. The main ones native to Thra were Gelflings and Podlings, and they tried to live in harmony as much as possible. They mostly had all gone on to serve the Lords of the Crystal, looking out for it at the castle, the Skeksis.

Podlings were more of food servers and musicians in the castle. Gelflings were more of readers, singers, and guards. They would also dance in the Emperor's honor. There would be glorious balls and meals.

The Skeksis all wore magnificent robes of different colors to help tell them apart and to tell how powerful they were. The Ornamentalist SkekEkt was the Skeksis clothing designer and he was the most feminine. He was good at making the clothes the way his clan wanted him to.

Most of the Skeksis lived inside the castle, but there were a few that had chosen different paths that had gotten banishment as a punishment, or just didn't want to hang around much. SkekGra the Conqueror had gotten banished for different ideas that just weren't meant for Skeksis. The Emperor had refused to see it his way.

SkekMal the Hunter was just too active and aggressive to live in the castle all the time. He was happier out in nature, hunting his meals and having worthy adversaries of his skills.

SkekSil the Chamberlain was the Emperor's chief adviser and second in line to the throne. He would try to manipulate everyone in the castle to his advantage to get what he wanted. Eventually, he would plan on wanting to take the throne from the Emperor. But, he would bide his time. He also tried to learn everything that he could that would also make him a good Emperor one day, as he was planning. He dreamt of showing everyone, some day, what he was truly worth.

He had a soft voice that he used a lot in a humming sing-song sound, which the other Skeksis called a whimper. Sil had many rivals, and yet, he had his own closest faction that was powerful. It consisted of him, the Emperor, SkekEkt, SkekOk the Historian, and SkekLa the Illustrator. This group was the band of diplomats mainly, but the Emperor was the physically strongest of them.

SkekVar and Ung were the next strongest ones. The most like warriors of these days. SkekNa the Slave Master was also in the club. SkekTek was in their department at times too. Despite belonging to opposite factions, the Scientist sometimes worked with the Chamberlain, when Sil would give him ideas, with both of them being the smartest ones of all the Skeksis. Sil was the biggest rivals with both Var and Ung, along with Lach.

SkekLi was the Satirist. SkekLach was the Collector. SkekZok was the Ritual Master and like a high priest. And SkekSa was the Mariner. Sa was always out on the open waters mainly, so hardly ever around.

Unlike the Gelflings and Podlings, who thrived under close relationships, the Skeksis did not. They were the direct opposite. They all had urRu brother counterparts and cared nothing for them, with the exception of the Conqueror, now called the Heretic, living away from the castle.

Chamberlain had only one close association; La the Illustrator. They were extremely close behind the clan's backs. They had had an amiable bond practically from the very beginning. It was a form of love in their opinion, they just didn't want the others to know because they knew it was forbidden. It was their Emperor's law.

They had called each other brothers up until La stated she wanted to be called a female, now it was brother and sister. They were the best of friends with one another. They had been like this over most of the long centuries they had lived in Thra.

Their friendship continued to grow over many a trine until it began to feel more intimate. La began to develop strongest feelings for the Chamberlain. She was the more emotional of the two. She wanted to put their bond through a true test... but was very nervous about it.

La had been trying to concentrate on her work, doing a portrait for the Historian once again, but she couldn't think straight, with what she wanted to say to get Sil's attention, to let him know she was extremely serious about their bond. It was late in the evening.

She had been bullied earlier that morning by Ung and the Slave Master. Then, the Historian. She felt big jitters. She didn't see her best friend come in, but he noticed something seemed off about her at the moment.

"SkekLa. Hmm." Sil stated. "Something bothering you today?" He smiled at her in that way which usually made her happy to see him every day.

La jumped at hearing him at first, and turned to face him. "Oh, SkekSil, hi. I didn't see you coming in. Uh, well, just busy to get paperwork done like usual." she replied nervously.

"You seem jumpy. Something going on?" Sil asked.

"I uh... just was thinking about something else." she said.

"About what?" He was curious. Knowing things was his specialty to carry out, should it really matter. Or if it concerned the other Skeksis.

"About us." she said.

That statement made his smile drop and eyes widen. "What about us?"

"You know how us Skeksis tend to hate being around one another and don't like to even touch each other. We are going behind the Emperor's back since he forbade anything like this. But, I find I like being with you all the time, at every possible chance. I enjoy your company like no other's..."

"I like being with you too. Yes, agree with you... But what are we to do with our bond?" Sil asked. "We are being too un-Skeksis. But we get along so well, we need an answer."

"I know... I have always wanted to tell you how much I care for you, as more than a brother and a friend. I think that is my answer. " La explained her feelings. She awaited his response.

"I have learned to feel beyond that too. Hmmm. We both reciprocate, seemingly..." Sil replied.

"Sil... what ever should we do about our bond then? If we both feel the same, and after this long...why not seal a pact of our own? We could keep it secret, be careful and never let anyone find out. Why not, after such a long wait?" she asked, piercing him with a nervous, urgent stare.

Because of how conveniently late it was, they dared to take a final step through the threshold of their bond. They began their own version of hugging, kissing and then disrobing. They wanted to, at long last, move up a step from just being like friends or siblings.


A few hours later, they were both sleeping comfortably in La's bed. Sil's bed chamber was higher up in the castle, closer to the Emperor's chamber.

They were both in heaven with the other's presence, curled up together and smelling each other's scent. They would plan to still keep their bond secret from the others, but they would seek to continue doing this if they could get away with it.

In the morning, Sil got up in a hurry to get his robes on. He had disturbed La, as she had been lying on his chest.

"Last night was like a dream... I thought I, we, would never dare..." she said.

"Me too. But careful, word must not get out about it." he replied.

"Yes. I agree. We'll see each other again soon. Don't be caught, Chamberlain." La stated.

Sil hurriedly dressed and left her chamber before the Historian could make his way into her room.

"Tell me, SkekLa, that this drawing is not done." Ok declared sternly as he held the half finished drawing in his hand.

She quickly covered herself up. "Historian, why do you barge in like this? I am not decent! ...Oh, the drawing: yes, I got tired and had to come to bed. Couldn't think straight anymore on the lines." She lied.

"Well, now that you are awake, finish it! The Emperor won't like it if he's kept waiting on it." Ok warned her.

"Yes, right away, Historian. No need to fuss like that." she replied.

La hurried on getting out of bed and dressed. She tried to get the drawing done as quickly as possible. Her mind was now at ease about her bond with Sil.

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