Chapter 5

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The Scientist would bring Sil his food and things to read if it would help to ease his boredom. Sometimes they would talk and indulge into brainstorming a little, to make better ideas flow smoothly. They had worked together before, a little in matters of speaking.

But no matter how much they talked, Tek still got annoyed by Sil's whimpers and the sound of his voice. He even caught him in mood swings. From sad to mad, way too easily. His hormones were out of whack at the time.

Chamberlain wanted nothing more than to get out of that boring room. He paced restlessly a lot of the time. He only ate when he was hungry, but would still get sick. He thought of his lover a lot. It was about the only thing keeping him going at this point.

When he was alone, he would try to listen for other voices in the hallway, to hear of any suspicious stories. To him, it didn't matter if the voices belonged to Skeksis or Gelfling. He just liked to hear some interesting informational stories. He could always use these later in his favor as needed.

One night, La snuck away to go see him. She didn't get too close to the room, only ventured as much as necessary for him to be able to hear her. She just wanted to talk to him.

"Chamberlain?" she called from a distance, low and yet loud enough for him to hear.

"Illustrator?" he replied back. He went to the cage door. "Are you out there?"

"Yes. I know I'm not supposed to be here, but I had to know if you were alright." she stated.

"Chamberlain fine, but bored. Nothing to do in here. Listen all the time for any stories taking place in castle, but not much." he explained.

"I understand. I could bring you news of what's going on if you like?" La said.

"Please. Need to hear your voice." Sil replied.

"The others do wonder if what you have is catching." she said.

"Don't know. Hard say. Still get sick after eating. Still not know why." Sil explained.

"I hope you beat this illness, my mate." La said.

"Me too. Not stand thought of not seeing you anymore." Sil replied.

"I could bring you late night food and news, if you feel hungry." La suggested.

"Not need food so much. Just bring it up again. Belly just upset all the time." he said sadly.

"I'll be close if you feel you need me." she replied. "I have to go now, so I don't get caught..."

"Yes. Not get caught, SkekLa." Sil warned. "Scientist keeps lab watched a lot."

"I'll try to return tomorrow." La said and left.

Sil hated to hear her go, they hadn't even had a chance to snuggle. He wanted that again, with her. But he couldn't.

Weeks went by, and Chamberlain still wasn't better.

The Scientist provided most of his needs. Water, food, a bucket to throw up in, and some essence at times. The essence did help him gain some strength, but he still couldn't keep his food down.

La did what she could to bring him extra food in the evening, as well as stories to entertain him and just talk. It was brief, but they were just glad to be able to have at least voice contact with each other.

The herbs Tek gave to Sil did curb some of the nausea, but not most of it.

The General was prouder than ever of his position as the second in command ever since he had replaced the Chamberlain. He was often too stubborn to listen to reason. But the Emperor loved how he got things done more forcefully than Sil ever had.

And more and more Gelfling were being drained in secret. More and more were called to the castle to do services, which were to replace old soldiers mostly. New soldiers took their places, but sooner or later, they would all be drained.

All of Sil's old clothing had been destroyed. Ekt knew he would have to replace them once Sil got well again, but the illness just wasn't going away. Sil was still only wearing his sleepwear gown.

It had been well over seven weeks now since the 'illness' began. Tek would check Sil's condition every day when he had to take the throw up bucket out and clean it, if hesitantly. It was normal for them all to gag on food at dinnertime, but this was long after dinner was over. And first thing in the mornings too, before eating.

Chamberlain wanted out of this boring patient room. He felt like a prisoner. He was glad for La's secret visits in the evenings, and just hoped she wouldn't be caught. Also, even from the distance they were just talking, he hoped she wouldn't catch his illness too.

One night, La came to the front of his door to see him.

"Chamberlain." she got his attention.

"La, you shouldn't be this near me! Not want you sick too." Sil stated in fear.

"If you are to be caged while waiting for death, I just couldn't stay away anymore. I shall get it if I must. But I'm not happy being away from you anymore." La explained.

"This is big risk, but for me. Thank you." Sil said happily. They both shared a loving nuzzle. It had been too long since their last loving touch. But when there were footsteps coming, and La knew she had to leave.

She knew that she would be watching herself for signs of illness. Was her mate's condition really contagious? She hoped not. But what was life worth living if you didn't have someone to love?

Many more weeks went by, and something finally began to give.

Sil still got sick after eating, but he was beginning to gain his appetite back, especially with cravings. He had lost quite a bit of weight over the past nine weeks. He was now twelve weeks along. He still had no idea what had been causing his illness.

Over that time, La had never gotten sick herself. She counted herself lucky.

The bucket began to look emptier every day, with Sil not vomiting hardly at all. That was a good thing.

A week later, when there came a time when there was no vomit in the bucket, it made Tek suspicious. He examined Sil again, in spite of his patient's reluctance. Sil hated the constant stomach exams, and as always, there was nothing found.

"When do I get out of here if I'm no longer sick?" Chamberlain asked.

"I don't know if you are truly well yet. A few more days to be sure, Chamberlain." Tek replied.

"I want out now!" Sil exclaimed.

"I know. It's still for your own good." Tek said and left, locking him in again.

Sil growled in annoyance, letting out a scream of anger. He slammed one of his arms on the bed in despair. He sat down on the bed furiously. He desperately wanted out.

Most of the other Skeksis had thought that the Chamberlain was dying, and yet, he wasn't dead yet. In fact, Tek noticed his health seemed to be getting better.

"So, how does the Chamberlain's health seem today?" the Emperor asked the Scientist when he entered the throne room.

"I haven't seen any vomit in the bucket today, Sire, but it doesn't mean that he's still not sick yet. He needs to be locked up at least a few more days to be sure." Tek advised.

La really wanted to say it, "Why not let him out now?" She wanted to interact with him again more fully.

"Fine, a few more days, SkekTek, but after three more days, let him out." the Emperor ordered.

"Yes, Sire." Tek replied.

La snuck away from the others and went to tell her mate. "The Emperor ordered just three further days, and you should be able to come out."

"Thank you, SkekLa. I can't wait to get out of here. So boring. Nothing to do in here." Sil declared.

"I know. I know you slept a lot out of boredom and to get better."

"Illness not bother me anymore, so much." Sil said. "Feel a lot better."

"What do you think it was?" she asked.

"Don't know. Perhaps never know. Some illness that not want to leave me alone. Scientist never find anything." Sil stated.

"Just three more days." she said.

"Three days." he repeated. They snuck a nuzzle before she left. Tek came in soon after she left, to tell him the same thing. He couldn't wait.

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