So I woke up today and my whole house is rearanged and is super clean! Im super exited becuase now I can explore all the new toys. I have a new green slide, a bendy sticks bridge, a chew shaped like and apple and more! This just keeps getting better and better. What I wanted to tell you was that when I saw the new wooden train she got me, that if I stand on top of it and press my hands on the top or the cage I can get out and explore the human world. All I see in this cage is parts of her room or if she takes me on trips, all I see is a little part so now Ill be able to see everything!! Ok, heres the plan I will get on top of the train and take the top off of the cage when my master is at school then I will get in the thing that humans put on there feet and make my way around the house.I sure hope this works!!