The School

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Hi! So my master was so happy about geting me she acutuly is taking me to her school to show off to the teacher and her friends. I hope i dont fall asleep! Anyway she put me in this tiny cage that only has one hut, a wheel, and a food bowl. She didnt bring a water bottle becuase that might fall on me so instead she put some cucomber because its so juciy and full of water. Also, she said this cage would only be for the day so i still get my big cage! I wish I could talk to her!Yay!! Were finally here! Its...a....little.....though. My master set me down on a table as some small ones watched in awe as I did my everyday things. You know, running on my wheel, eating, going to the bathroom, the usul. Im, getting a bit tired now so......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

7 hours later
I just woke up and guess what, Im back in my cage again with toys and huts, back at the house. Im bummed out that I didnt stay awake but who cares. Talking about sleep, that hut looks realy cozy. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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