First Day

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ghaha sorry if this is shitty I'm so gods damned tired
wait this is meant to be shitty I'm fine 🙄🤚🏽

I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, until...


I woke up, startled by my alarm. I shut it off quickly and got up. I was so tired, I just wanted to go to sleep. I was in call with one of my friends, Wilbur, last night until about 1 am. I honestly forgot what we were doing, but it must've been exciting if I was up that late.

I stopped thinking about what kept me up and quickly changed my clothes. I was already almost about to be late to school. I got my bag, made sure it had my computer and books in it, slipped on my hoody and dashed out the door. I forgot to say bye to my mum..shit.

Didn't have time to dwell on that. I ran to the bus stop and saw the bus was still there. Oh thank goodness. I hopped on, out of breath. The driver looked at me. He stared blankly, so I just walked to my seat. I can't believe I was almost late to class on the first day of 11th grade.

The bus stopped at the school, and all the kids got off. It seemed like a hoard, all the kids in their groups. The pick me's, the art kids, band kids. Everyone seemed to fit it somewhere. I didn't. I never did. I was always the weird geeky kid nobody really liked.

As I was stuck in my thoughts, a group of rowdy boys walked past, one accidentally shoving me.

I fell to the floor, and all my stuff scattered around me. Ow. I heard a few snickers from the girls near me. I quickly gathered my items to stop people from staring. I went to reach for a book until someone's hand stopped me. I looked up to see someone with dirty blonde hair, a green hoody and glasses. Oh my god. "Hey, let me get that for you. Sorry I pushed you." OH MY GOD. "I..uhm.." I stared at him for a second before snapping out of it. "It's no problem..uhm.?"

He looked confused for a moment. "Oh, haha! It's Dream. Well, my friends call me Dream." He smiled nervously. "Oh..ok. Thanks Dream." I smiled and walked away.

He was on my mind for the rest of the day. He was..cute. I dunno. He just looked nice. Freckles sprinkled around his face, green emerald eyes...your stereotypical white boy.

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