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I return to my flat, sit at my desk and wonder whether I'll ever lay ink on canvas again. I don't like the answer, so I open my phone and bring up the photo gallery full of Dahlia inspiration.

I didn't take many photos of her, though enough to get lost in her smile, her beaming eyes, her brilliant beauty and her bohemian look. I can smell her. I can hear her voice asking me how I am and telling bad jokes. I can hear her teasing me then teasing herself. She's here next to me—laughing, smiling, crying and holding me tight.

As I continue to scroll, she whispers, "Come to me, find me again as you did before and save me."

"I'm coming, baby."

Her warmth cuddles me as I close my eyes and soak up the moment. I breathe slowly and let my brain swirl her around. Oh man, not long now.

She smiles one last time before fading away. I exhale a long breath before pulling a fresh one in. Its energy spreads through my blood, winding its way around my body, filling me with bravery and a wild rush to get this done.

I unfurl the jacket and sling the hood out of the way. The grey glow of steel sends a chill up my spine. I hold it in the money position. This should frighten me, but it doesn't. I roll it from side to side and watch its appearance change in the light. My finger finds the trigger and strokes it. It's ready for war. I drop the clip out, check it's full, slam it back in, then cock the slide to force one into the chamber.

I tuck the gun into my jeans and pull on my jacket. I grab my keys then drop them when I remember I'll never be back.

Initially, I thought to scope out the job and formulate a plan. But that approach didn't feel right. To be calculated now would go against the vein this situation was mined from—fate got me here, and it will see me to the end.

The building door shuts behind me. I purposefully step into Dahlia's bloodstain and let it stoke a fierce glow in my belly before setting off.

Halfway there, my phone comes to life. I know it's going to be Ruben before I look. I kill it in my pocket, but it just rings again and again. I pull it out. Five missed calls interspersed with messages.

"Hey, I need to talk to you?" the first text says.

Followed by;

"Levi, call me."


"I swear, if you use that thing on yourself, I'm gonna kill you".

And finally;

"Do you recognise this person?"

I type, "The gun's not for me, and what person?"

But before I hit send, it rings again. He's not going to give up, plus I owe him an apology if nothing else.

"Ruben, I'm—"

"Levi, did you see the photo I sent you?"

"What photo? Nothing came through."

The phone vibrates. I check the message thread, and there's an image there now. It's a photo of Doctor Cross walking out of a door.

"What, why are you sending me a photo of him?" I ask, assuming he's worked out who I plan to use the gun on.

"Do you know him?"

"Of course, I do."

"Who is it?" Ruben asks.

"Why do you want to know who that is?"

"Who the fuck is it, Levi?"

"It's Doctor Cross," I say as though it should be obvious.

Dahlia - The Velvet Witch and Her Dark SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now