1.A hero is Born

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Heyy, just using wattpad to try and see if anyone in this site is interested in shaun the sheep fanfics lol I usually post on ao3 and fanfiction

IdkI just liked the idea of a romance with secret identity aand thesuper hero ep is one of my favs from the new season(and I thought it was a crime we didn't get to see Bitzer swooing over- I mean meeting Super Sheep). What mixing ideas does huh?

Anyways, hope you like this lil story <3 kudos and comments areappreciated.


Gasps and cheers from citizens, fear from any criminal around. If there wasone name that always inspired big reaction around town, it was hers.

A red cape. Blonde hair always flowing in the wind whenever she was fighting off evil. Loved by everyone but always seeming unreachable...except to one person.

The security guard of the most valuable museum in town, a sort of rival in the field of saving people, one who took his job too seriously and with whom relationship with the more relaxed and funny hero wasn't the best at first, even with the many missions they had shared together. And it really was funny to think of, because just as he was wary of the heroine(due to her liking to tease him and nearly getting him in trouble with his boss a couple times), the guy unknowingly was neighbor and best friends with her in civil form.

Quite an iconic pair for a lot of people, but the main story, his story, wasn't about them.

Credit where its due however, Shaun admitted he had taken lots of inspiration from her favorite superhero comis series.

It all started with the villain of his own story: the pigs. Prank after prank after prank. Nearly an entire week of those attacks to the flock had got him to try to find ways to stop it at once. It had been one of those nights, under the dim light of a lamp, comic book in hand and completely amazed reading how that blond hero in a silver attire delivered justice, that Shaun understood what had to be done.

The storage room quietly got looter that night. A red mask, cape and boots, metallic accessories, a leaf blower in his back as his source of power, and imitating in the mirror some of his idol poses and superhero-like way of behaving(with his personal twist of course) and there, at that moment, Super Sheep was born.

On the first day, Super sheep had unexpectedly found his own security guard to save. Bitzer, of course, who else but his workaholic yet silly best friend in his civil form to be that guy?

In the middle of an attack-and-counterattack between the pigs and the hero, one of them was unlucky enough for a rotten apple to fly on the dog's direction. That was when Shau- super sheep was quick to land in front of him and catch the fruit, swiftly returning it to hit the face of the respective pig who threw it.

A smirk drew on the hero's face when the pigs waved a white flag to express their retreat. As the flock cheered, Bitzer remained speechless and with his mouth agape behind him. Super Sheep had to bit back a laugh at that reaction and instead softly closed the dog's mouth with his hoof, then shot him a quick salute and a wink before the leaf blower took the hero away from there.

His job there was done and now it was Bitzer's turn to scold to the pigs after having witnessed the act.

Once Super sheep landed behind the farmer's house, he finally allowed himself to grin. Not cool and relaxed like a hero straight out of acomic, but vibrant and full of excitement like himself, Shaun. He had to cover his mouth to muffle his excited laugh. He did it! The hero act was pulled out perfectly, he must've looked so cool out there!

In the middle of his excitement, Shaun forgot one of the most important rules of a duty like this: A hero had to be alert at all hours, even post-battle. He wouldn't have noticed someone had followed if it wasn't for the crack of that branch.

Super Sheep turned around, hooves on the strips of his mask, still around his eyes but just about to take it off, to catch Bitzers pying on him from the corner of the house. In a rush, the hero sheep awkwardly grinned and straightened to look more hero-like. He didn't know if to worry about having been caught giggling like that, or for the stolen carrot from the garden that he was hiding behind his back right now(it wasn't illegal to steal a reward treat if it was from his own home! Shush).

Now, it wasn't that Shaun didn't want Bitzer to take part in the hero game, but the fun part about it was the secret identity, and if his friend found out one of his sheep was doing all these dangerous acrobatics in the air Shaun would probably have his hero license revoked. Not to mention Bitzer was busy enough with all the chores lately, enough for the pigs to take advantage of that to get this far without being discovered. Even if Bitzer would deny it if anyone said it, the sheep knew he couldn't with everything. Keeping his identity a secret was the only way Shaun could help his friend.

Bitzer wasn't giving the hero any happy looks nonetheless.

Now out of his hiding spot, standing in front of the hero, the dog had his arms crossed, lips barely pursed and eyes narrowed. Superhero cape or not, Shaun had to remember his new sona was technically a stranger there, and so their guardian dog's first instinct was tomake sure the peculiar arrival wasn't a threat.

After a long moment, in which Super sheep throught he would get an endless list of questions or a gesture telling him he'll be under strict surveillance, Bitzer instead held out his paw and whuffed.

Shaun blinked at the paw. At the silent and short way of saying 'thank you for what you did' that meant Super-Sheep was welcome there. He smiled and attempted to shake it, but accidentally ended revealing the carrot he had been hiding. The hero could only laugh awkwardly at not really looking very superhero-like, but more as a mischievous sheep doing that.

This obviously got Bitzer to narrow his eyes again, but this time the frown had a hint of curiosity in the way he was looking directly at Shaun's eyes. Still holding his hoof, the dog whuffed softly, tilted his head— Did he...know him from somewhere?

In those five seconds of danger, Shaun realized two things: 1) He might have had his red maskon, but he totally forgot his googles were still over his head, his face was more exposed; And 2) Bitzer's sensitive dog nose was twitching softly at recognizing a familiar smell, his smell. This meant at any minute his identity could be discovered!

C'mon Shaun, think. What was the thing the super heroine did to the security guard whenever that happened?

Oh, right.

Quickly(and perhaps a little bruter than intended), Shaun pulled down Bitzer's hat so it would cover his eyes, then ran for his life.

Bitzer barely had time to yelp or even voice his angry claim when, lifting his hat back up and looking around, he noticed the hero was no longer there. He huffed. As thankful as Bitzer was for the help with the pigs, that guy better not be another mischievous sheep. The farm already had enough of those.

Talking of which...did he saw Shaun at all that day?

Behind The Red Mask [Shaunzer / Shaun x Bitzer]Where stories live. Discover now