8. The truth

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Well this is it, the grand finale of this story. Haven't finished a multi chapter story in so long aa :') This one was edited little by little in the 10 minutes of recess we have at college lmao

I still remember when I came up with the idea. I was really into secret identity fics at that time so writing this was pretty entertaining. It was a way to relax my brain when writing too bc I decided I wouldn't be that perfectionist with this one

Thank you to all the people who left kudos, commented and bookmarked this story! This fandom is small so I was really happy to see all the support, you guys are the best ❤️

Also shoutout to Marcelita on instagram for making me notice a huge plot hole that I almost forgot to fix in this chapter sjdjf thanks again, girl!


Bitzer couldn't really put into words how completely unpredictable the past week had been for him, and that was saying something considering his role in that particular farm.

That new day, one supposed to leave all the madness behind and be his start-a-new, he had woken to the way too familiar fuss of animals creating mayhem outside, earlier than usual and coinciding with a horrible lack of sleep.

Groaning at all the inconveniences coming together at the worst moment, Bitzer left his doghouse ready to scold the poor soul outside like he had never before.

Only to stop on his tracks at the sight of his face.

That face he had known his whole life, the one Bitzer knew would be there every time a problem occurred in the farm, the one he had missed so much this week. That face, that familiar cheeky grin, was now laughing along cheering sheep in colorful suits and masks around him.

And that red, simple, yet so concealing piece of cloth lying unused on his hoof.

It all hit him like a brick. Memories of yesterday's incident, hints suddenly clicking, those 'is it him really?', 'it couldn't be' and 'but what if' that had him up all night.

All the confusion and mix of emotions, finally coming to a halt as he saw how Shaun, dressed up in that red suit Bitzer had been so glad to spot all week, put the mask back in place as the last nail hitting the coffin.

It was true.

It really was true.

Momentarily trapped inside his own mind, Bitzer took a moment to notice the previously happy bleats turning desperate. He shook his head to force himself to focus. The flock were on the road now, having stopped their superhero stunts towards the farmhouse at something happening.

Bitzer's legs slowly began to move on their own. He walked past his doghouse, past the barn, unable to hear nor care about the squees of the defeated pigs swearing revenge.

The sheep stepped off the way as Bitzer got closer, some fletching at how uncharacteristically quietly he had approached, others being more nosy and sucking on their teeth at realizing how awkward the situation must be. Bitzer paid them no mind. His focus was only on one sheep in front of him right now.

Super sheep- no, Shaun, was lying on the grass, unconscious, with Timmy's mom at his side checking for any symptoms of a fever. She looked up at Bitzer, for once not about to start a match of who would take on the nurse role, but instead asking with her silence what he wished to do.

No words left his mouth. He just knelt down and stared.

From his spot Bitzer could see bags under his friend's eyes, the lack of sleep and the reason for it being evident. And worse, knowing at this time of day no one had eaten yet, Shaun had been so impulsive thinking he could play hero without even taking care of himself. It was something Bitzer always scolded him for.

Behind The Red Mask [Shaunzer / Shaun x Bitzer]Where stories live. Discover now