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Ardour . Ah-duh . n (great enthusiasm or passion)

I was back to square one except this time it was even worse. I was locked inside my room and wasn't allowed to leave it. I ate meals in my room. The only difference this time is that I want to stay and wasn't coming up with a plan to leave.

Why didn't I rip those stupid papers up? If I did, Stephano wouldn't hate me even more than he did before. If I did, I could be living a slightly normal life.

I'm an idiot.

All I wanted was a few minutes to speak with Stephano. I needed him to understand that that was a plan I devised a while ago. I don't care about that plan anymore. I care about him. He's the only person I had in this world. I mean, Danny and I weren't friends anymore.

There was a knock on my door and by the colour of the sky, I could tell it was time for dinner. "Come in." I say, loud enough for them to hear.

"Miss Russo-."

"I'm not eating that." I say, sitting up. Thank God it was a lady this time. My plan would work. "I need a pad. I want to go ask Stephano for a pad. I'm leaking blood from my vagina." I exaggerate only for her to cringe.

Carefully, she dropped the tray on my bed. "Stephano told me not to let you near him." She said, beginning to walk out. "But don't worry. I'll bring a spare." She smiled, closing the door.

I roll my eyes and laugh silently. The old b*tch forgot to lock the door. I got up and walked outside my room. A week without seeing outside. I missed the boring hallway I'd pass every day.

I walk down to Stephano's room but I hear someone call my name. "Miss Russo, please!" A male voice said this time.

"Touch me and I'll scream." I threatened, walking into Stephano's room and closing the door behind me. "Stephano?" I called out, as he walked out of the bathroom.

"I told-."

"I know what you told me. Listen, okay? Listen once in your f*cking life." I begged, causing his brows to come together.

"Never interrupt me when I'm talki-."

"Stephano, I'll do anything to make you forgive me. Please. Just say it and I'll do it. I'll even go on my knees as shameless as it sounds." I pleaded, hoping to spark some sympathy from him.

I think I did. Well, I assumed I did. From the way, he was staring at me. He walked over to his drawer and picked out black lingerie I'd never seen before. "I want you in this." He said, tossing it at me.

I look at it, shyly and shake my head. "You said you were a virgin." I mumbled.

"I lied." He said, simply. "Now put it on."

Holding down the tears fighting to come out, I walked into the bathroom locking the door. I truly didn't want Stephano back if it meant sex. I wanted him back properly. Not through sex.

Of course, he'd say no after f*cking me. He just said he wasn't a virgin. He's going to think I'm sloppy since Michael's the only one who's been inside me. With a condom and without a condom.

Once I changed into it and the heels he so happened to have given me I unlocked the door and see Stephano sitting on his bed, eyes on me "I'm in it," I mumbled, my eyes falling to the ground.

"You're going to have to convince me to forgive you, Andrea. If you succeed I'll let this slide. If you don't I'll let you join Michael." He spoke, causing chills to go down my spine.

Despite how much he did scare me right now, I couldn't deny the ardour I was feeling towards him. He was no one like I'd ever met. Stephano Varallo was one of a kind.

You don't meet men like him everywhere. Not because of how sweet or kind he is. It's because of how dangerously intriguing he is.

I bit my lip and made my way towards him only realizing I had to do something for him to forgive him. I stop in my footsteps and look at the drawer he pulled the lingerie out from.

I walked towards it and rested my elbows on it. "You can f*ck me from behind." I suggested, closing my eyes.

No response.

I sighed and pulled out his drawers. I know Stephano had a sleeping mask. This man loved his sleep. I found it along with a belt I could use as well.

I put the mask on slowly, temporarily blinding my vision. I had a feeling Stephano would be into things like this. He loved being in charge in a relationship so I'll let him.

Patiently, I waited for him to make his way towards me. I tried to hide my excitement when I heard him make his way towards me. Was I convincing him?

Without my vision, my other senses were taking over. When I felt his fingertips touch my body it felt almost electrifying. I wasn't supposed to enjoy this. I wasn't supposed to let Stephano win.

The cold metal part of the belt was picked up from my hands and he turned me around. I wanted to peek. I wanted to see what emotions were going through his mind which was visible through his eyes. Was he happy?

It was harshly tied around my wrists. Just as I predicted. His hands were still holding onto mine. I wasn't sure what I was expecting but it sure as hell wasn't this.

I located his neck and put my arms over it pulling him closer. Did he need guidance? Like Stephano would need someone to guide him.

His lips were pressed against mine and for the first time since we kissed I didn't feel any emotions from his side. It felt like he was only kissing me because he was forced to.

What if he was about to kill me? I brushed the thoughts out of my head but I couldn't help but think they were true. Was this another one of his sick games that I was going to lose?

I pushed him away and took off my mask. "Stephano, I'm sorry. I can't do this." I whispered, shaking my head.

The anger seemed to come back into him and he moved away from me. "Then get the f*ck out of my room." He finalized.


So... I want to change my update schedule. Wednesday and Sunday from now. Idk y I've been so tired in general. I'm not sick I just lack motivation and I feel like these chapters don't flow well.


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