Twenty Two

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Brusque. Brusk . adj (abrupt or offhand speech or manner)

"Okay. I haven't done this before so are you planning on dominating? Not a fan of that, though"

I chuckled. "I've never actually dominated someone." My mind thinks back to Michael. He wasn't the best at sex. He made me cum sometimes but I hadn't had sex before so I thought that was it. "None of us have to be incharge it can be relaxed." I explained, with a smile.

"Alright." He nodded, removing his seatbelt. "So, what am I waiting for?"

I rolled my eyes and brought my hand up to his face and pulled him in.

Our lips touched and I'm not sure if it was just me but time seemed to stop. God, I missed his lips. I could hear how nervous he was. His heart was pounding against his chest rapidly while I felt the butterflies in my stomach becoming a whole zoo.

His soft lips brushed against mine before he moved away to pull me on top of him; my back touching his chest. "Andr-," He heaved out resting his head on my neck. "sorry." He finished, his heart still pounding.

"I didn't come here against my mother's will for you to p*ssy out, Steph." I teased, removing my shirt.

"Mhm. Ti supplicherai di non averlo detto." He muttered, removing my bra as he kissed my shoulder. [Italian Translation: You'll be begging you didn't say that]

This only seemed to increase the warm feeling in my stomach. The Italian was just a bonus. He pulled me closer to his chest so he could go for my neck. He was sucking and bit my skin while taking off his hoodie, trying his best not to break the contact.

When he felt he left enough marks, our pants came off next until we were both fully naked. "Oh, I've shaved, see?" I pointed out.

He began chuckling, kissing my hand. Maybe it was the delivery of those words and how brusque I sounded. I'm not sure. "I didn't mind the hair." He shrugged, turning my face to kiss my lips once more.

"Try to pull out on time. I don't want my mom to have another reason to be mad at me." I warned.

"What makes you so certain you'll be able to make me cum?" He challenged, gently squeezing my a*s.

Quickly, I found his d*ck and gradually pushed it into my now-soaked vagina. A moan ripped out of my mouth as I moved up and down him slowly. I shouldn't have underestimated his d*ck size just because he was a virgin. It was almost too perfect of a size.

I was becoming weaker by the second which he noticed so he assisted me by holding my waist and helping me move up and down faster. I was meant to be showing him how great sex felt and it seemed as if he was showing me.

I reached my climax before him and arched my back as my moans were the only sounds audible. "F*ck," I groaned out, trying to catch my breath.

"Hm," He hummed, bringing my back to his chest. "You want to go again?" He asked, with a raised brow.

I moved away from his chest and found myself on the car floor facing his still erected shaft. "Remember when I wanted to do this? But you told me you wanted to treat me? I want to treat you now."

Carefully, my hands grasp his length and I rub it slowly. His gaze never leaves mine as he watches me in admiration. My mouth soon joins my hands as I welcome his d*ck into my mouth making sure to lick it in the right places.

I bob my head up and down and increase my speed gradually. He threw his head back while his groans were increasing and his breathing became heavier. "Don't stop," He groaned out, fisting my hair, and slightly tugging on it. "F*ck,"

Without any warning his cum spewed into my mouth. I couldn't say I was totally ready for it though it didn't take me long to decide what to do with it. It rushed into my mouth and slowly down my throat.

"Sorry, I forgot to give you a heads up." He apologized, caressing my cheek. I shook my head and removed my mouth from his penis. His eyes widened in shock. "You swallowed it? All of it?" He questioned, welcoming me to sit in his laps facing him.

"Yes." I responded, stroking his face. I positioned his d*ck into my vagina once again, doing what I did before. It was an easier position than the last one and this time I had access to his beautiful face.

I dressed his face with kisses. From his forehead, his cheek, his nose, his lips, and his jawline. I loved this man so f*cking much.

His hands left my waist and went down to my a*s where he left a slightly sharp slap. His left hand grabbed the left cheek and the right one slapped it while his lips went down to kiss my nipples, while slightly tugging it.

"F*ck," I moaned, as his teeth grazed over my erected nipple. "I'm going to cum," I announced. When he heard this he helped me speed up the process until I finally glazed his shaft and filled the car with my overdramatic moans.

After a moment of still bouncing on him, he finally pulled out and came. It spilled into my legs and a bit of his. "Andrea," He began pulling me in for a quick kiss. He pulled away and gave me a tired smile. "I f*cking love you so much."

My eyes lit up when he said those words. He loved me. He actually loved me. All of this wasn't in my head. Stephano Varallo actually loved me. "I love you too." I responded, kissing his lips again. "And I'll always love you."

His grin widened and I moved away from him. I looked down at the cum still on us and touched it with my fingers. It was now on my fingers and on its way to my mouth. "And I loved having sex with you." I added, licking my fingers.


Aww, love birds.

My smut isn't the greatest let me remind you. So sorry.

Updating Wednesday.


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