hey guys!

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No. No. No. This could not be happening. "I'm too young to die" I thought to myself. I kept running through the alley, as beads of sweat ran down my face. I'd never run so hard in my life, but now it depended on it. Why the hell hadn't I taken the normal way home? I looked back to see if they were following me, but I didn't see any-UGH! I ran into something hard and cold, a wall? No. My vision blurred as I fell to the ground and figures enclosed me once more, along with those bright green eyes. I felt myself being lifted as I drifted out and everything went black.


"J-Just leave me alone!" I yelled at my boyfriend....well my former boyfriend. I stormed out of the bar slightly drunk, but alert and made a left. My flat was to the right but I needed some air and decided to go home the long way.

Tears rolled down my face as I walked towards the park. 2 1/2 of the most magical years of my life gone. I walked absentmindedly until I heard a voice "Whats's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone, this late at night?" It was past midnight and I started to rethink my decision to come out here. Alone. I looked up to see a man staring at me with piercing blue eyes and light brown hair with a voice higher than normal. I quietly laughed to myself as I ignored him and walked away, a bit faster.

"What's so funny sweetheart?" I looked up to see the same man in front of me. Wait a minute? He was just over there a second ago. I started to back off, but I ran into another person, he laughed and said something that I couldn't hear, but I could tell the heavy Irish accent was there.

I looked around to see three other guys surrounding me, eyes brightly colored as well. They slowly advanced as the one who I'd first met said "Who wants a drink?" "Pffff, with you?" I scoffed. He and the other guys laughed menacingly as all their eyes turned red and, mouthes open, showed two sharp fangs.

I wanted to scream but something was holding me back. I closed my eyes waiting for the end, when a pulse of energy suddenly sparked through me. I kicked one of the enclosing guys in the crotch, as he doubled over and groaned. I ran past him looking at an alley in the distance. It was narrow and could barely fit one person slipping through.

I looked back to see if they were following me and saw they were helping the "injured" guy up and were, once again advancing. It was now or never. I tuned into the alley and ran.


hi guys! so I hoped you liked this first chapter and sorry it was so short. i will update soon and please comment, like and vote! also if you want to follow me on my personal accounts its

Instagram: kaitlin.mcd

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