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I woke up to the sound of yelling downstairs. Ugh my head hurt so bad. Where was I? The last thing I remember was...Oh. My. God. I sat up quickly, making my head rush, as everything came flooding back. There were vampires and I had passed out and omg I was in their house.

I scanned the area for a way out of what looked like the living room. I saw the exit out of the corner of my eye and quietly tiptoed over. I had to get away from these...things. I reached for the doorknob but a voice stopped me. "Leaving so soon?" I turned around to see a tan figure staring at me. Oh great the guy I "injured" last night. "Please I don't want any trouble, I just want to go home." I pleaded. " Well, We can't let you do that." he said. Huh? Did he just say we? 4 others emerged from around the corner laughing, but stopped when they saw me. "Well someone's up." said the Irish one.

That's when I turned. And ran. Again. "Hey!" one exclaimed. I ran into the woods, hearing them run after me. I needed to get back to my flat and call the police and uh...what exactly would I tell them? I'm being chased by vampires? I tripped over a branch and it sent me flying. I landed on the ground, only to be pinned down by, the same boy from last night. His eyes weren't green, but red, and his chestnut curls were stuck to his sweaty forehead as he hauled me over his shoulder and sped back. "No! Stop, let me go!" I yelled, slamming my fists into his back. If they weren't going to kill me now, that means I would either have a slow death or.... I'd have to live with them.

"And...then...when she kicked Zayn!" Louis said between laughs. "I don't see where she got the strength for that and it didn't really "hurt" me." said Zayn defensively. The boys and I had brought her home after she'd made a valiant attempt to escape, postponing our dinner plans.

Niall was in the corner chugging an Irn-Bru and Liam was still wondering how we were going to keep this girl here. "We should have just left her there." Niall said before releasing a giant burp. "And what? Tell people what she saw? It would either ruin her life or ours so we really didn't have an option!" Liam said. He was definitely stressed.

There was a sound coming from the living room. "Zayn go see if she's up." I said. "Why me?!" he pleaded. "Just go" I replied and I swear I saw him cover his crotch as he left.

"She's definitely a fighter." said Louis.

"I told you I should have been the one to coax her up. Your voice is too high, it probably reminded her of Mickey Mouse, not a terrifying vampire." said Niall.

We shared a laugh as we all got up to go see what the noise was. We rounded the corner to see the girl standing there. It was the first time we had all gotten a good look at her. Long, brown hair flowed down in waves and she had bright blue eyes. She was a tiny figure, but with the leather jacket she wore she looked somewhat tough.

She stared at the five of us before randomly deciding to turn and run out the door. "Should we go get her?" asked Niall. "Yeah but let's give her a head start eh?" I said. 3-2-1. I raced out into the woods, following the smell of blood and the quick beat of her heart. I watched as she ran and fell over a branch, as she landed on the ground I decided to make sure she didn't try that again. I jumped on top of her as she struggled and threw her over my shoulder, speeding home. Her attempt for me to let her go made me laugh.
As we reached the house, I thought that maybe this would be fun to have her here. Maybe.


hey guys! hoped you liked this chapter. still think it could use some work, but it's moving along. let me know who you think will end up with who and what you think will happen in the comments! Please vote and like! And thanks for reading! I will update soon! :)

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