chapter 3

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"how? how do you know him?"

"i did say i was a detective for the military didn't i? i know him pretty well. i've worked with him on many cases." the old man walked up to alphonse and edward. he bent down and took a closer look at edward's wounds.

"they'll be here shortly. the colonel sounded really worried," he took edward's jacket and folded it into a pillow. alphonse layed him down. edward coughed and blood came out of his lips. it dripped down his face.

"this is not good," the old man wiped the hair stuck to edward's face and felt his forehead, "he's running a fever. and this rain isn't helping."

roy sat in his office. looking at the rain out the window. the phone on his desk started to ring and it startled him.

"hello? this is colonel roy mustang."

"hey buddy, you remember me?"

"hold on..oh my god! is this? is this william?! i've missed you buddy! how've you been?"

"heh i've been good ole pal. it seems you're good as well."

"why did you call me? it's been forever since we last talked!"

"well, the thing is. i met your little alchemist today. him and his brother were in town searching for the gun alchemist. i was following them when i heard some gunshots. i thought i should let you know."

"oh my god! are they okay??"

"i don't know. i haven't found them yet but even if they are, you should come here."

"alright. thanks for letting me know. i'll be there in 10."

roy picked up his jacket and swung it on. he rushed out the door, riza following him.

"sir, where are you going?" she asked.

"the elric brothers are in trouble. we need to head where they are now. go get havoc and falman. we may need backup." replied roy.

"yes sir!" riza ran to get them.

mustang, hawkeye, falman, and havoc all loaded into the car. once everyone was in riza immediately started the car and stepped on the gas. they had no time to waste. who's knows what could've happened.

"what do we do?" asked alphonse.

"we need to stop the bleeding. roy should be here soon. hey edward? i'm going to take your shirt off now. it might hurt but i have to do it in order to stop the bleeding." william gently pulled of edward's black shirt. he hissed in pain. the old man took off his shirt and pressed it hard against edward's shoulder wound. edward's eyes opened and he screamed. it hurt so bad. the bullet was lodged in his shoulder. he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

"lieutenant step on it!!" roy yelled. he was so impatient. he needed to know that the elric brothers were safe. he was the one who sent them on this mission.

"sir, i'm going past the speed limit already."

"i don't care! i need to know if they're safe!"

riza pressed her foot down harder on the gas petal. roy was shaking his leg.

'fullmetal i swear to god if you got shot'

"the bleeding on his shoulder has died down. i don't know what we are going to do about his stomach though. it seems like the bullet has hit an internal organ. he'll need an operation as soon as possible." william took the shirt off of edward's shoulder. alphonse didn't know what to do. he didn't know how to comfort his brother.

alphonse heard something in the distance, "is that....a car??"

riza say the stream of blood flowing into the street and stepped on the brakes.

"what the fuck is that?!?" yelled roy.

they all got out of the car and ran to the blood.

"this is so much! what the hell," roy looked into the alley, "fullmetal!!"

he rushed towards the elric brothers, everyone else following. he slid on his knees and moved alphonse aside.

"fullmetal!" he cradled the boy into his arms, "fullmetal! can you hear me??"

he shook edward and his head only flopped around.

"shit! what happened here?" roy looked around, "is that the gun alchemist?"

"uh yes sir. i beat him after i saw what he did to ed." alphonse said. he looked down.

"hawkeye and falman go and tie him up while he's out. we cannot let him escape." roy said firmly looking back down at edward.

"did he get shot? shit. alphonse. tell me what happened here." roy turned to the younger brother.

"um well, me and my brother split up to make the search go faster because it was raining and then edward found him," alphonse pointed to the gun alchemist on the ground, "they started fighting. i heard gunshots and rushed to where i heard them right away. i saw edward bleeding out on the ground and my anger got the best of me. i beat shanboya until he was unconscious. and he couldn't hurt me because of my armor. you were right colonel."

"i see. we need to take him to a hospital right away," roy was looking at the shoulder and stomach wounds, "during the ishvalan war, i had to deal with many soldiers that had gunshot wounds. edward needs to get these bullets out or else these holes will never stop bleeding. i need a closer look at his stomach though. it may have hit an internal organ."

"i think it has," william said, "the boy was coughing up blood earlier."

"shit! hey fullmetal! you need to wake up!" roy yelled.

he shook the boy until he started to groan. edward opened his eyes, "colonel?"

"yes. it's me fullmetal. you need to stay awake now okay? or else you'll never awake again."

"al- alright."

"he need to leave now. i don't think he has much longer. hawkeye, falman stay here with shanboya. once we go to the hospital, i'll have havoc come back here and pick you up. william," he looked at him, "you stay here too." the old man nodded.

"alright," mustang picked up edward, "havoc you drive. and alphonse come with us."

"yes sir!"

they got into the car. mustang sat in the back with edward laying in his lap. "go! we need to hurry!"

havoc drove as fast as he could, going well over the speed limit. who cares, they're the military.

the soon arrived at the nearest hospital. havoc got out and opened the door for the colonel. he rushed edward inside. the receptionist looked up and saw the man carrying a young boy. she immediately went to the phone. soon after, a bunch of nurses rushed in and took edward from roy's arms. they laid the boy on a bed and rolled him away.

"hey! where are you taking him?" mustang started to follow them.

a nurse stepped in front of him and stopped him.

"i'm sorry sir. you cannot go any farther. trust me, he's in good hands." she put a hand on his shoulder and walked away.

roy walked into the waiting room and sat down. his head in his hands. alphonse walked in and ran up to the colonel.

"where's my brother??"

"they took him away. he's probably getting prepped for surgery right now."

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