I Never Thought This Would Ever End (Christofer Drew)

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"Chris we need to talk." You said sternly, turning to face him.

"Hold on babe." He replied, taking another drag off the cigarette he had been smoking. This was the problem. He had been a smoker since before you had met him, 5 years ago. You had always told him it didn't bother you. Truth is, it did, a lot. You just didn't want to be a bother. You knew it was hard to quit. You have never been a smoker but your father had been. He's sober now, so it wasn't impossible to quit.

"What do you need babe?" I guess he finished his cigarette. He kissed you and you tasted the bitterness of the smoke on his lips and mouth.

"Chris, I know this is something I said didn't bother me, but I can't lie to you anymore. I think it would be best if you put the smoking to rest. It's not healthy. My dad is so much more healthier now that he's clean and I just want the best for you."

"I guess I can consider it. I don't want to worry you. It's going to be so hard if I try and quit, it would be easier not to."

"Chris." You said raising your voice a bit, sounding like a concerned parent now. Well, you were concerned.

"Okay, okay. I promise i'll stop. You have to help me though, it won't be easy."

"I'd be happy to help you babe. Thank you."

"No problem." You could hear the sadness in his voice, which broke your heart into tiny pieces, but this is what's best for him, and me as well.

You started by throwing the rest of his cigarette packs away. He had been clean for about one month now, and you couldn't be more proud of him. You were sure he wasn't smoking behind your back because you never smelt the bitter aroma around the house, in his car, or on him. You could already tell he was happier and healthier.

"Hey (Y/N), is it okay if Taylor comes over later? We're just gonna talk about and go over some songs for the new album."

"That's fine babe. I don't care if your friends are over. I have to go into town today to get some things for around the house anyway, so I probably won't be here."

"Okay, i'll see you later."

"Bye babe. If I miss Taylor, tell him I said hi!"

"Okay, bye honey." You knew Taylor still smoked, but you weren't worried about anything. He respected Christofer's choices, and knew he decided to quit.
When you had gotten back home, it was getting dark out. You could still see Taylor's car in the driveway, he was still here. When you had gotten inside, you smelt cigarette smoke. You brushed it off as maybe it was Taylor's doing. But as you walked further into the house, in the room the guys were in, you felt your heart sink. There Chris was, with a cigarette in between his pointer and middle finger.


"Hey babe. Come join us." He said smiling and then returning his attention to Taylor.

"Chris what is that?" You knew exactly what it was, you just needed confirmation from him for some odd reason.

"Shit." You heard him mumble. You didn't care anymore. before you knew what you were doing, you were running upstairs and packing your things into a duffle bag.

"(Y/N) what are you doing? Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving Chris, this isn't a good environment for anyone."

"Are you fucking serious?! It's just one cigarette. It isn't affecting you or anyone else but myself. I know you're just trying to look out for me and everything, but i'm an adult. I can look after myself. So if you're going to leave, just go."

That hurt. That hurt too much. Your biggest nightmare, was becoming real. Chris didn't want you here. He never wanted you in the first place. You softened your voice as you spoke,

"I don't want to leave, it's just- if we were to bring a child into this family, it just isn't safe."

"Who says there will be any children here?" he asked, raising his voice. This was it, it was now or never.

"Chris I'm pregnant."

He looked at you, making direct eye contact, for about a minute. You can't believe you just told him that. Of course, you were going to tell him. He was going to be a father. But you didn't ever dream of telling him like this. Then he spoke,

"Babe, I-I had no idea. Why didn't you tell me? I would've tried harder. This changes everything." He was still in shock. You were too, and you've known for a month.

"I was going to. The day I found out was the day I asked you to quit. The smell made me sick to my stomach. I'm sorry."

You looked at him and he started to cry. He put his head in his hands and you could feel your heart break, again. You went and sat next to him and put your arm around him.

"Please don't leave. I'll quit. I swear to God. This is important to me. It isn't safe. It never was. I'm sorry I never listened to you."

"It's okay Chris. I'm not going to leave."
You heard a knock on the bedroom door and looked up only to see Taylor.

"Hey, uh, is everything okay up here?" You and Chris both chuckled at his concern.

"Yeah, every thing is just fine."

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