🌺One step closer to home🌺

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It wasn't often that Blueberry stressed over something. Usually, he was a bright and optimistic monster.
But now...he felt as though any little movement would send him into a panic attack.
He was seated on the couch, gloved hands pressed together tightly, a perturbed expression on his normally smiling face.
Karla was supposed to return today to give them the verdict on whether they would be allowed to foster you or not.
He was desperately waiting for some good news.
Blue adjusted his scarf for the fifth time, jumping, however, when he heard his brother's voice.
"You should try to calm down"
He drawled out, lazily plopping himself down next to him.
Blue sighed, glancing over at the orange wearing skeleton briefly.
"I know...but I can't help but be anxious! I mean...what if she decided we are unsuitable? What if we arent allowed to see (Y/N) ever again!? What if-"
"What if the sky turns green and all your teeth fall out?"
Stretch gently tapped his knuckle against Blue's fore-skull, grinning fondly,
"You worry too much. None of that is going to happen bro."
Blue frowned,
His older brother shook his head and nodded,
Blueberry sighed, unclasping his hands and leaning back.
"How can you be so calm about this?"
Stretch shrugged, taking a sip of his honey bottle.
Blue was too anxious to reprimand him for drinking the stuff.
"Dunno. The whole situation doesn't exactly make me jump outta my skin"
He rolled his eyes, huffing at the joke.
"Seriously though, there's nothin to get freaked out over. Lady from yesterday said herself that everything looked good"
He...had a point. For once.
"I suppose...you're right, Papy"
Stretch's grin widened,
"Told ya. I'm always right"
Blue raised a brow at this, causing him to chuckle.
"The hell are you two talkin' bout?"
Both brothers looked up at the sound of Red's voice.
He was leant against the kitchen counter, staring at them with a bemused look.
"Suprised you didn't eavesdrop again"
Red rolled his eye-lights,
" S'a special talent used fer special occasions".
Stretch shook his head and laughed, making Blue less tense than he was before.
"Whens that chick from yesterday comin?"
"We aren't sure. I've just been waiting for her to arrive"
Red nodded slowly and nudged his head over in Stretch's direction,
"Whatta you been doin'?"
"Wouldn't you like to know"
"Yeah, that's why I fuckin' asked dipshit-"
Blue exclaimed, glaring over at Red.
"You can't be using those sorts of words around (Y/N) when she starts living here!"
Red rolled his eye-lights,
A shiver went down his spine.
Stretch was staring him right in the eye-sockets, a cold expression on his usually lazy face.
A few beads of sweat formed on Red's skull, and he forced himself to look away.
He grunted, folding his arms.
"Great! I'd be mortified if (Y/N) started using the words you and Edge use.."
Blue shook his head.
Another thing to worry about.
"Listen, I don't know what yer stressin about. The Human said the house was fu- uh, Flippin' amazin. Her job ain't to bullcrap us and get our hopes up"
He had an extremely valid point.
Before Blue could speak again, Edge, Papyrus and Sans came downstairs, heading over to where they were sat.
"Karla should be coming soon"
Sans said, Sitting down opposite them.
Blue nodded slowly, taking a deep breath in, despite not having any lungs.
"How soon are we talking exactly?"
Edge asked, tapping his foot impatiently.
"Relax, don't be so on 'Edge' buddy. She'll get here soon enough."
Blueberry was sure that if anyone else had said this to Edge, he would have exploded, but, he seemed to be slightly intimidated by Sans, so he merely huffed and looked away.
A few minutes of back and forth conversations and a couple sarcastic remarks later, there was a sharp knock at the front door.
Sans stood slowly, looking unusually anxious, and the five of them watched him make his way over.
The second the door was opened, they all recognised Karla's smiling face.
Taking a deep breath, Blue prepared himself to listen to whatever she had to say.


"Is this really a good idea?"
Papyrus asked, trailing behind Edge, Red, Stretch and Sans, whilst Blue walked next to him.
"Not sure. But, It's better to tell her now than to leave it till last minute"
Sans replied, giving him a reassuring grin.
Papyrus knew he should be doing laps of joy after the news they had just received an hour ago.
They had been approved to be your official, legal foster parents? Guardians? He didn't really know what to label them as yet.
It was absolutely amazing news...but what if you didn't want to go with them? Sure, they had gained your trust, but what if you didnt even want to live with them?
What would happen then?
Brushing these thoughts aside, Papyrus kept up the pace with the others, clasping his hands together and nervously looking around.
The six of them neared your room, and he felt his soul give a little leap in happiness when he saw your face.
You had gained a substantial amount of weight over your time in the hospital, your injuries almost completely healed and all of your bandages removed.
Although, the scars weren't exactly easier to look at.
The second you noticed their presence, you perked up, as you always did when any of them came to see you.
It was quite comical to see your face furrow in confusion when you realised all six of them came this time.
Usually, they came in pairs as to not overwhelm you, so it must of been strange for you too see all of them gathered at once.
Sans and Blue sat at either side of you,  Edge leaning against the wall near the window, red sitting down in the chair and Stretch sitting at the end of the bed.
Papyrus stood by the foot, watching you carefully as you looked over all of them.
"Hey kiddo"
Sans ruffled your hair fondly, his grin wider than usual.
It had gotten to the point now that you were comfortable enough around all six of them that you allowed them to touch you freely.
"How are you doing today?"
Blue asked, peering at the half finished drawing in your lap with interest.
You gave him a quick thumbs up, locking eyes with everyone in the room at least once.
You definitely knew something was up.
You spoke, tilting your head as you glanced at them again.
Papyrus' brows furrowed in confusion.
You gestured at all of them with one hand and tilted your head again,
Stretch gave you a sudden look of understanding,
"Nah, nothing's wrong honey"
You slowly relaxed at his confirmation, still looking a bit puzzled though.
"Bet you're wondering why we're all here though, huh?"
You nodded at Sans, eyes narrowing.
For a five year old human child, you were pretty good at reading people's emotions.
You could practically feel the awkward tension and excitement in the air the second they walked into your hospital room.
Papyrus felt that this was a good time to speak.
"Wonder no more Human! We have excellent news for you!"
Red continued on from this,
"We heard yer gettin' released this week, right sweetheart?"
Another nod from you, and Papyrus had to refraim from blurting out the news, leaving his brother to handle it.
"The six of us have been planning this for a while now, figured it'd be a nice surprise for ya. We signed up and took classes to become your legal foster guardians. So...you'd come and live with us, if you want that is?"
Your whole body was frozen solid, eyes wide in shock as you stared at Sans.
He sweat dropped, scratching the back of his skull awkwardly, causing Blue to speak up.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, human. It's completely your choice , we won't -"
Your eyes had become glassy with tears as you clutched the bed sheets tightly with your little fists.
"Yeah. We wouldn't lie to you about that Honey"
You glanced back and forth between everyone, searching for any hints of sarcasm or malice.
But, when you saw they were all being completely honest, you allowed the tears to fall freely down your cheeks.
"So..what do you say human?"
Papyrus asked finally, clasping his hands in a hopeful manner.
Everyone held their non-existent breath for a moment, eagerly waiting for your response.
However, instead of replying, you merely nodded, a large grin spread across your usually blank face.
Everyone in the room was left stunned.
For the first time in months, maybe even in your life, you had smiled, and, they were the cause of it.
Papyrus couldn't be happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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