🌺The Plan🌺

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You were hungry, really hungry. And, you had been waiting for the Skeletons for a while now.
You hoped that they hadn't forgotten about you, or that they decided not to care anymore, but you wouldn't be suprised if they did.
you timidly hid behind the garbage bin, looking out occasionally to see if they showed up.
You were about to leave when you heard voices.
Peeking from behind the bin, you recognised the Skeletons from earlier and relief flooded over you.
However, you also noticed that they had brought three new skeletons with them.
One looked like Blueberry and Red, except he seemed way more laid back, wearing a blue hoodie, black and white cargo shorts and pink fluffy slippers.
The other two looked more like Papyrus. The first one wore an orange hoodie, black and white cargo shorts and sneakers.
The last one seemed way more intimmidating than Red first appeared to be. He was tall with Razor sharp teeth and a dark, killer expression.
He wore a torn, red scarf, aswell as black and Red battle armour. He also wore red boots.
You shivered at the sight of him. He didn't look friendly.
But, you brushed it off as Blueberry took out the food and water like usual.
You were hungry, and thirsty, so you weren't just going to hide because you were scared.
"They aren't coming, so I'm going to-"
Edge cut himself off when he noticed the small human peeking out from behind the dumpster.
Your large (e/c) eyes evaluated each one of them, judging to see if they were safe or not, before timidly taking a few steps out of your cover.
Sans, Stretch and Edge went completely silent, mainly from shock, as you slowly limped your way towards them.
You hesitated for a moment, staring up at them one last time before finally heading over to Blueberry.
As usual, he opened the container, and handed you the food. However, you ate more slowly this time, small shaky hands ripping off pieces of food and placing it in your mouth.
Sans, who had been leaning against the wall, scanned over the bandages and marks littered across your fragile body with concern.
Edge was mainly suprised that they had told the truth, but he could understand why the wanted to help now, I mean, look at the state of you.
Stretch merely gazed at you in slight concern. He was certain that humans weren't supposed to be that thin.
Once you were finished with your food, Red gently helped you drink from the water bottle, as it was still way to heavy for your tiny hands.
You were seated on the floor, legs too tired to keep you up, and your body was leant against Red, which Blueberry and Papyrus found adorable.
The only sound they could hear was you desperately suckling at the bottle, trying to get as much water as possible as you used Red as support.
"She's so small.."
Sans mumbled, crouching down to get a better look at you.
"We need to take a picture"
Blueberry pointed out, taking out his phone.
Edge questioned, never taking his eye off you.
"So we can show it to the police and hopefully help her"
Papyrus answered, rubbing your back.
Blueberry was quick to take a few pictures of your arms and legs, as well as the bruises across your body and how thin you were. Once he was done, he put his phone away and continued to watch you.
Your breathing was ragged, chest rising and falling unevenly as you struggled to push yourself up off the floor.
At one point, you stumbled back, but Red fortunately caught you in time.
Letting out a small whimper, you used the wall as support as you limped down the Alley into the darkness.
"We can't wait any longer"
Red stated,
"If we do, she might be dead"
Blueberry and Papyrus winced at the loose way he used the word dead.
"I agree"
Stretch piped up,
"We should head to the Police station now while we still have a chance, we wait any longer and that gate will close forever"
The skeletons all nodded, completely on Board with the idea.
Hang in there (Y/n)

The second the six of them reached the Police Station, Red, Stretch and Sans began talking with the lady at the front desk, about what The rest of them didn't know.
"Do you think she's...okay?"
Papyrus asked fearfully, playing with his scarf.
"She didn't look well when we last saw her..."
"She's fine"
Edge stated, eyes forward,
"But..what if..."
"I said she's fine!"
No one protested after that, but they had to admit how weak you looked.
Eventually, a police officer led the six of them into a private room, where they were told to sit and wait for the lieutenant to enter.
"Blue, do you have the photo's?"
Stretch asked, to which Blue nodded, taking out his phone.
Just then, the door was quickly opened by a tall, blonde haired main who looked to be in his late forty's.
"You were the ones who made that report about the little girl, right?"
His voice was stern, and he had peircing blue eyes to match.
"Yeah, that's us"
He nodded, taking a seat at the head of the table.
"Do you have any Photographic eveidence to support your claims?"
Blue immediatley passed him the phone, telling him to go through the Photo's.
The lieutenant observed these pictures for about five minutes before passing the Phone back to blue.
"We've actually been studying the '(L/N) case for a Five years now, ever since he went off the Grid. A few people have reported Seeing a little Girl wondering around an Alley way, but she disappeared when they tried to approach her. Do you remember the Exact Alley you saw her at?"
Red proceeded to tell him the adress near The alley whilst he wrote it down.
"That's strange..."
"What is?"
Blueberry asked curiously,
"The old (L/N) lab is near here"
"Old Lab?"
"Before the Medical Industry started up, (L/N) owned a small lab, making Supplies for Chemists, small things. The second his Buissness began, he closed the place down and it hasn't been open since. It's just strange that the girl would have been spotted near there...."
The six of them listened intently,
"I think that....That's where he's hiding. No one would suspect it...and it's a good place to start...tomorrow, we'll raid the place. You boys look like you can fight, so you can come with us if you wish...but if they are in there...we have to be careful...alright?"
"Yes sir"
Papyrus answered, staring down at the table.
We're so close (Y/N)...please be safe..

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