🌺We meet again🌺

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You were cold, hungry, and sore. It was only natural you were punished for trying to run away again, especially since people had seen you this time.
Your mind wandered back to the two skeletons you had met in the Alley.
They seemed...Nice?
They were gentle, and they didn't hurt you, so maybe they were okay, right?
Honestly, you didn't know who you could trust anymore.
Perhaps they were pretending to be nice to you?
Shaking your head, you wrapped yourself in the thin covers and attempted to stay warm in your cold room.
The window was left open, and it didn't help that it was mid-fall.
You shivered slightly, a small pained sound passing your lips as at times, it hurt to breath due to your bruised ribs.
What time was it anyway?.
Sitting up slowly, you gazed at the digital clock on the wall.
The tests had gone on all night, and you hadn't had much sleep due to the cold.
There wasn't much you could do now, so you decided to attempt to slip out again.
You knew if you were caught there would be consequences, but you were hungry, and thirsty, and you no one was going to feed you anytime soon.
So, peeking outside your door, you made sure the lab assistants were distracted before crawling through the dog flap.
One of the assistance had a large rotweiler called Tucker.
You didn't like Tucker.
He growled at you alot, and one time he even bit you, and that had hurt.
Once you were through the flap, you began to carefully make your way down the Alley.
By now you had memerised your way through the maze of stone walls, so you had no trouble in finding the exit to the main street.
You didn't dare venture outside just in case someone saw you, but there was a small bin that you could dig through to find some food, and sometimes you could find half empty water bottles.
As you were digging, you heard a sound.
Quickly, snapping your head towards it, you were met with blue eye sockets.
"Hey there"


Blueberry was left alone with Papyrus in the house.
He had waited until Everyone left before quickly going to the kitchen to make some food, along with a bottle of water.
Make no mistake, this wasn't for him, no, it was for you.
He couldn't count on seeing you again, but he memerised the Alley he had seen you in by heart and was planning on going back today to see if you were there.
You had looked thin, so he was bringing food and water just in case he saw you.
He jumped at the sound of a voice behind him, turning to see Papyrus standing by the kitchen door.
"You're going to see her, aren't you?"
Blue nodded quickly,
"I'm coming with you then!"
It was Papyrus's turn to nod.
"I had the same idea as you, she seemed so thin so I thought I would bring her some food"
Blue held up the container,
"I hope we find her"
"Me too"
With that, the two skeletons made their way out of the house and began the walk to the Alley way.
It didn't take that long, the town wasn't too far from their house after all.
"Blue! Look"
Papyrus whispered excitedly, pointing down the alley.
Blueberry followed his gaze, his eyes landing on you.
You were stood on a cardboard box, rummaging through a trash can.
However, now, your movement had stopped, head snapping up to stare at them.
Blueberry crouched, holding out a hand to you.
"Hey there"
He said softly, beckoning Papyrus to crouch as well.
You stared at the two of them, your (e/c) eyes wide with fear.
Blueberry noticed this and placed down the container, opening it and sliding it towards you a little bit.
"You look hungry. I have some food if you want it"
You gazed at the box with interest, hunger getting the better of you as you limped towards them, grabbing the container and staring at its contents.
It looked good, and you were so hungry, but you had learned to ask for permission.
Looking up at Blue and Papyrus, you pointed to the box and then yourself, as if to ask if you could eat it.
"Go ahead"
Blue said, smiling gently.
You timidly picked up a sandwich and took a bite, immediately feeling a lot better.
Papyrus and Blueberry watched in excitement and slight fear as you quickly ate the food, finishing it.
"Here, we brought some water too"
Papyrus stated, taking the bottle out of his bag.
Unfortunately, it was too heavy for you to drink from without spilling.
"Can I help you?"
Blueberry asked, waiting patiently for your reply.
You paused, bottle held in your small hands, before nodding and slowly making your way towards the two of them.
Papyrus had to stop himself from making a happy squeal when you allowed blue to hold the bottle while you drank from it.
Once you were done, you immediatley scurried back towards the bin.
This made both skeletons frown as you limped back down the alley.
"I think we should come back tomorrow"
Blueberry had to agree, but he really wanted the others to be on board with this.
"Lets bring one of the others tomorrow"
Papyrus suggested, putting everything in his bag.
Blueberry froze.
"We can't ask stretch or Sans"
He nodded,
"Or Boss"
The two thought for a moment.
That would leave only one person left.

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