Chapter 1

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y/n's POV:

Euphoria that's what it feels like. Music is pounding I can feel the floor shaking. All I smell is alcohol, weed and sweat. 

Oh sh*t my drink is empty I start pushing people out of my way. I get to the drinks. I try reading the bottles but everything is blurry. Soon i get something into my cup.

"Hey y/n! Try this, it's fuc*ing dope!" , my party pal Alissa says a bit too loud. We aren't close friends we just go to some partys together. Alyssa has blond hair that goes just bellow her shoulders with big brown eye that resemble big dark bottoms.

"Sure, what is it?" ,I ask looking at the white powder. That is in the middle of some people who I've seen around.

"I donno. Just try it!" , Alissa says with a smile from ear to ear.

I sit on the couch in between some guys. A guy with brown long hair gives me a rolled up dollar bill.

"Why thank you kind sir." ,I say slurred to the guy.

I bent over while breathing out through my mouth. After that I snort two lines. I sit up straight my head falls back. I let out a long breath. All I can hear is the bass I can feel the vibration trough the floor and the couch. Everything starts to get really blurry the strength from my body is starting to dissapear. Soon everything goes black.

I have no idea how long i was out but I woke up to someone yelling "COPS!". I got up trying to steady myself and walk straight. I kept on falling over and over. I felt someone pick me up and soon i was in the back of a police car. 

I sat there for a moment before sobering enough to get the safety pin from my shoelace. My hands were shaking but I finally got the handcuffs picked. 

I looked out the window and saw no cops they were all inside the house. I got out of the other side widow that they had left open for some fresh air. HUGE mistake might I add. I started speed walking still not going straight but why should I walk straight when I'm not even straight so oh well. 

Soon I was far enough from the cops I started to walk slower. It took me almost an hour to get home even tough it's normally a twenty minute walk.

Our house was run down. The paint was cracking up, the windows were brown and the house just looked like you could push it down. I got the key from under the doormat. Before I opened the door I put my ear against the door to check that Andrew ( my father) is asleep. Thankfully I can hear his snoring.

I got the door open as quietly as possible when I was inside I closed the door. I went upstairs to my room. I looked at the clock on my desk it was 4 am and I was tired as hell. Once I got my shoes off I fell to my broken bed with a lumpy ass mattress. All I had to do was close my eyes and I was asleep.

ALRIGHT PARTY PEOPLE! my very firs chapter is done I hope you liked it. I plan on making next chapters longer I just wanted to see how to write in here and all.

If you have any questions or any ideas tell me. 

I will write a new chapter very soon. Until then Violet out ;)

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