chapter 5

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Natasha's POV:

I was on my way to breakfast it was around 7.30 AM. When I got to the kitchen I saw Tony making coffee. 

"Morning" , I said. He jumped at my voice.

"Ah just who I wanted to see. So I was looking for information on your mystery kid. I found her fathers name from the school records so I did some looking into him and he dosen't seem to have a job but you would never guess were his name is.", he looked at me expecting me to guess. I just glared at his. "You're no fun Romanoff so he is on..."

Y/N's POV:

When I got home from my drinking session I got one of the worst beatings of my life definatly on my top 10. 

I still had to go to school even thou I was hungover and half of m body was full of bruises.

It was raining today so when I got to school I was soaking wet cause I had to walk the whole way. 

School was sh*t as always but when lunch came around Alissa came to talk to me.

"Hey girly so Alec and Caleb got some good ass coke and weed we're gonna go to some skate park and try I was wondering if you would want to come with?", she asked me.

I was always down for free drugs and i'm 90% sure there will be alcohol as well so ofcourse I was gonna go.

"yeah sure."

"Great I'll text you when we're going  see you then.", she left I didn't see where since someone walked into me.

"Watch it werdo!", she yelled with a voice that could give a migrene to anyone.

"What did you call me?", I asked as I turned around to see one of the school's  'mean girls' and her gang that never did anything without the other.

The 'main' one had blond hair and you could clearly see it was bleached and blau eyes. 

"What are you deaf I said watch it werdo.", she said trying to be though with her head held high and with a smug look.

I was gonna say something but I was far too tired at this day so I just punched her straigh in the nose and I heard a crack.

"Ah you bitch you broke my nose!", she yelled. her nose was bleeding pretty bad. Her minions were trying to comfort her.

"I'm sure you'r dad will get you another nose job!", I yelled as I was already leaving the cafeteria. I could hear clapping start as I left since everyone hated her.

After school I didn't want to deal with daddy dearest so I went to steal a wallet or two. Witch the money I got witch was a little over a hundred dollars I went to get an energy drink and something to eat.

 I went to a park to eat I had bough a sandwich. 

I really liked the park it was always fun to look at the people and think if they are a seriar killer or not or what are there kinks and secrets.

After I was done witch my sandwich I opened my energy drink and took a cigarette and lit it.

Time went pretty fast since soon it was 7.30 PM and I got text from Alissa telling me where we were gonna go.

As I got there it was just starting to get dark and I already saw my 'friends'.

The skate park was fully empty ant you couldn't see not one person.

"You started without me.", I said as I saw they were already smoking some weed.

"Sorry. You want some?", Alec asked me handing over a blunt.

"Yeah, thanks" I said with a smile. I know he has a crush on me and i go with since he gets pretty good stuff and isn't the worst kisser.

After a while I was a little high and tipsy.

"Now are you ladys ready for the good shit?" Caleb asked. Alec handed him his backpack. There was four bags of coke and he also took out a box. I didn't ask what was in it as I was already taking a school book and one baggie and making lines with my library card. I took a one and rolled it.

 I snorted a line and another. I had to lean back so I layed on the ground.

After a while I got up and took a sip of wiskey that we had. and finally asked the burning question "So what's in the box?", I snorted at myself.

"Well my lovely lady..." Caleb opened the bow there was five syringes "... that is heroin my love. Wanna try?" he asked.

I don't wasen't thinking clearly and just wanted to forget everything. "Why not." 

"Are you sure?" Alec asked.

"Yeah how bad can it be?" I said not even caring anymore.

Caleb came over to me and asked me to take of my jacket. I only had a tank top under so you could see all of my bruises.

"Do you want me to do it or you?" Caleb asked

"you do it"

He unblucked the syrings. I gave him my arm he was pretty close to me and looked for a vain. When he found it he empied the substance to my vain. The feeling hit my like a truck my sight started to get foggy and I fell to his arms.

I didn't understand what was going on I just heard yelling and I was taken into someone elses hands.

"Hey kid stay awake for me don't close your eyes... hey..." I coudn't understand what was going on when every thing went black.

A/N: so that was chapter five what did you think? 

finished 9.5.2021

XOXO Violet 

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