Chapter 4

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Natasha's POV: 

I was very worried. Something in her eyes that I used to see in myself when I was still in the red room. That time I didn't feel anything I was empty. I wouldn't want that to my worst enemy. Ok maybe I want that to my worst enemy but no one else.

"Well that kid was annoying.", Clint said to me.

"Yeah I guess.", I said still looking at the door Y/N just left.

"Hey, you okey?", he asked sounding worried.

"There was just something familier about her.", there was a silent break. "We should get to the tower."

When we got to the tower I went straight to the lad since Tony dosen't sleep. 

"Hey Nat how was the lovely kid?", Stark asked soon as I opened the door. I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"That's why I'm here can you search her up ?", I asked.

"Sure, whats her name?"

"It's Y/N Smith, I'm just worried.", I could see in his smirk that he probably wanted to say something annoying as always.

After a minute he looked confused.

"So your new child's is a ghost all I got on her is school record and it's not pretty, she has skipped a lot and I mean a lot of classes. She seems to be late almost every day. A lot of fights. Two vandalism ones she spray painted the school other time she threw a desk through a window. And she clearly has a problem with teachers.", Stark explaned.

"Wait go back you only found a school record?", I asked.

"No there is only a school record."

"Okey, what school does she go to?"

"Midtown high I could ask Peter about her."

"Yeah sure, I'm gonna go to sleep."

I left the lab. This kid was something I want to figure out.

A/N finished 8.31.2021 

I'm so sorry it took me so long to write. I kinda tried to unlive myself and ended up in a facility for a month but I'm good now and I promise I will uptade again this week.

XOXO Violet 

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