chapter 2

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y/n POV:

I woke up to my alarm clock at 7 am. My school starts in 15 minutes, but since when was I ever on time spoiler alert NEVER. 

I got up and went to my mirror. My black shoulder length hair was a big mess, but that was not my main concern. My main concern was the black eye you could see trough my last nights makeup. I took a makeup wipe and too all my makeup off. Thank god my only visible bruise was my black eye.

After I got my makeup off I put on concealer, some black eye shadow and mascara. For my hair I just brushed my fingers through it because I just don't really care about my hair a lot. I changed my sweaty clothes to a grey big t-shirt, a pair of big black jeans that have a hole on my left knee and my converses.

I went downstairs I was about to open the door until Andrew pushed me to against the door. 

"Where were you last night?!", I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"I was with a- a friend doing some school work.", I said panicking. His grip was really painfull on my shoulders.

"Don't lie to me y/n! You were with a boy weren't you?!", he yelled.

"I have to get to school please let me go, I'm sorry.", I said before he slapped me. The stinging hurt like butt cheek on a stick.

"We'll talk about you're aditude when you get home.", he said walking to the living room.

I opened the door and ran to school.

People at school know not to mess with me cause I get into many fights and I don't lose. I walk trought the school to my class that only had about 20 minutes left.

"Miss Smith thank you for blessing us with you're presence.", my teacher said annoyed.

"Of course what would the day be without my blessings teach", I said with a cocky smile and a wink.

I went to my seat and put my feet on an empty seat next to my seat.

My class went by doodling.

As the bell rang I got up and started to make my way to my next class.

My second class was math. When I got to the class room I already knew I wasn't going to stay. When the class had gone on for 15 minutes I had to get out of there. I got up and started to get to he door.

"Where do you think you're going?", my teacher asked.

"To the bathroom"

"Not without premission." she said already annoyed.

"Sorry I'm not in control of my bladder.", I said, without waiting for her to answer I left. I could hear her yelling for me to stop.

Once I got out of school I realized I had no money with me, so I went to one of the busiest parts New York. I started to look for an idiot that keep there wallet at there back pocket.

It took me about 5 minutes until I found someone. He had short brown hair and he was wearing jeans and a dark grey t-shirt.

"Lets go.", I said to myself. 

I started walking towards the guy, hes back was towards me. I walked into him and took his walled.

"Watch it.", I said to him and put the wallet into my pocket.

He didn't say anything back to me and I just continued walking. 

When I was far enough I turned into an alley. I took the wallet and checked how much money there was and jackpot, there was 62$ and change there was also a coupon stamp to a smoothie place and an ID.

"Thank you... Clinton Francis Barton."

A/N: That was chapter 2, sorry it took a bit longer that it was supposed to.

Violet out;)

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